This is a collection of resources that former students of the Tsinghua HighSchool created, utilized and aided them on their voyage to excellence.
It contains the essence and whole-hearted work of many former-highschool students just like you and me. Theoritically, the collection is mainly based on the original works of grads from QHFZ, but for the purpose of education, there may be documents from unauthorized sources. If you find your copyright work displayed here, pls contact us, we'll adjust/delete it asap.
For now, we are starting off with a collection of materials made/passed down to the class of G20, primarily Gaokao resources and Academic Olympiads related resources. Further categorizing and committing would be needed to refine this repo.
This collection of resources on github couldn't have been done without the work of many comrades of class G20 as well as resources and help for classes of G19 or even further back in time. Also without the dedication of our teachers and the campus of QHFZ that bonds our fate, not to mention the platform of Github, none of this would have happened. Huge round of applause for the contributors mentioned above.
We hope that this is a repo that will be passed down from grade to grade, adapting it and trimming it to a more comprehensive and up-to-date version. And we look forward to seeing what this whole proj. turns into. Best wishes on your path towards knowledge, and hope you can possibly gain sth. useful from this proj.(and even become a contributor to the proj. someday in the future) May the force be with all of you readers.