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Star CloudPRNT for WooCommerce Plus

Contributors: ko31
Tags: star, printing, printers, automated, e-commerce, store, sales, downloadable, downloads, woocommerce, restaurant, order, receipt
Requires at least: 4.7.0
Tested up to: 5.4.0
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 0.9.2
License: GPLv3
License URI:

Star CloudPRNT for WooCommerce enables Cloud printing technology with your Star Receipt printer.


This is a plugin that extends Star CloudPRNT for WooCommerce(As of version 1.1.2).

The basic behavior is the same as Star CloudPRNT for WooCommerce, with the following added features.

  • i18n support
  • Some hooks
    • With the added filter hooks, you can customize the text to be printed.


  1. Download the plugin zip file here.
  2. Install and activate the plugin.
  3. For more information on how to use it, please visit the following links.

Hook Reference


Filters number format decimals.

  • @param int Sets the number of decimal points. 2 by default.
  • @return int - the number of decimal points


Filters number format decimal point.

  • @param string Sets the separator for the decimal point. . by default.
  • @return string - the separator


Filters number format thousands separator.

  • @param string Sets the thousands separator. '' by default.
  • @return string - the thousands separator


Filters to be added after the item.

  • @param string|array Sets the text to add. '' by default.
  • @param \WC_Order $order
  • @param int $item_id
  • @param array $item_data
  • @return string - the text to add


Filters for overwriting address.

  • @param string|array Sets the overwriting address. '' by default.
  • @param \WC_Order $order
  • @param array $order_data
  • @return string - the overwriting address


Filters to be added after title.

  • @param string|array Sets the text to add. '' by default.
  • @param int $order_id
  • @param \WC_Order $order
  • @return string - the text to add


Filters header date format.

  • @param string Sets the date format. 'd-m-y H:i:s' by default.
  • @return string - the date format


Filters to be added after method.

  • @param string|array Sets the text to add. '' by default.
  • @param int $order_id
  • @param \WC_Order $order
  • @return string - the text to add


Filters to be added after items.

  • @param string|array Sets the text to add. '' by default.
  • @param int $order_id
  • @param \WC_Order $order
  • @return string - the text to add


Filters to be added after address.

  • @param string|array Sets the text to add. '' by default.
  • @param int $order_id
  • @param \WC_Order $order
  • @return string - the text to add


Filters to be added after notes.

  • @param string|array Sets the text to add. '' by default.
  • @param int $order_id
  • @param \WC_Order $order
  • @return string - the text to add


Filters currency symbol.

  • @param string Sets the currency symbol. '' by default.
  • @return string $encoding
  • @return string $symbol
  • @return string - the currency symbol


Filters to add characters for item prefix.

  • @param string Sets the prefix character. '' by default.
  • @return string - the prefix character