Ban IPs from nginx with fail2ban with redis as the broker
TODO: does this correctly account for the X-Forwaded-For header?
This is a proof of concept of a setup where fail2ban updates a list of IPs to redis and nginx uses that list to block requests.
redis.conf includes the fail2ban action for updating the IPs in redis. By default, it stores them in a redis set named fail2ban-my-jail-name.
jail.local contains an example configuration of a jail that uses the action. Alter as you see fit.
nginx.conf contains an nginx configuration that uses lua scripting to block requests based on the redis set of IPs. Take out the relevant parts of the configuration.
- fail2ban (tested with 0.8, should work with 0.9 too)
- redis-server (and redis-cli, should be intalled with redis-server)
- nginx with lua module and lua-resty-redis package
- See
- The ngx_openresty bundle should install everything required
- Otherwise, refer to the page for installation instructions and install lua-resty-redis as per this page:
# link redis action
$ ln -s /path/to/redis.conf /etc/fail2ban/action.d/redis.conf
# copy relevant parts of the jail config or symlink the example:
$ ln -s /path/to/jail.local /etc/fail2ban/jail.local # example only !!
# copy relevant parts of the nginx config or symlink the example:
$ ln -s /path/to/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/my-site # example only !!
# restart processess
$ sudo service fail2ban restart
$ sudo service nginx restart