Tests for minimal machines with limited resources (1 vCPU, 1 Gb RAM).
Note that all tests are performed on a dedicated vCPU. Results may (and will) vary for basic VPS plans that use shared CPU resources.
Simple random tiny JSON response.
wrk -t12 -c400 -d240s http://vagrant-machine:8080/json --timeout 10s
Detailed results can be found here.
Postgres DB call that does
sleep random(2 sec)
mimicking random long queries and random js response generated 100 times to simulate post-processing. DB pool size is 400.wrk -t12 -c400 -d240s http://vagrant-machine:8080/db --timeout 10s
Detailed results can be found here.
Postgres DB call that does
SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_user
mimicking fast queries and random js response generated 100 times to simulate post-processing. DB pool size is 400.wrk -t12 -c400 -d240s http://vagrant-machine:8080/db --timeout 10s
Detailed results can be found here.
Every framework section has 2 (or 3) words: Language. Framework name. (Web server name or networking library).
Logging disabled.
With setup: 'Gunicorn as a web-server. 4 workers. Worker type - async: eventlet' server gives only 3-4 req/s which is very low.
Tuned bare gevent is much better.
Strange, but UVloop gives no benefits for db/
Jetty with all default settings.
Event-driven, high-performance clojure server/client library. With async PG driver.
For DB we use async vert.x postgres driver
Doesn't currently participate in the race, but you can see the results in its directory. It's quite promising.
In order to test remote HTTP requests performance we spin up a simple Golang echo-server that sleeps for a specified amount of time before responding back.
Build and run it with a standard mule
script command prior to tests.
Its single endpoint is:${sleep_second_you_want}
is a script to help you build and run specific framework in a docker-container.
Script can be run in 2 possible ways:
# 1. From repo's root directory: you need to specify directory of the framework in -d option.
./mule.sh -d go-echo
# 2. From specific framework's directory: no -d option is needed.
cd go-echo
Available actions of using mule
(assuming the 2nd way of running):
# Read help for `mule` script
../mule.sh -h
# Build all images
./mule.sh -x
# Build/rebuild image
../mule.sh -b
# Run container
../mule.sh -r
# Run container with attached TTY (to see its output)
../mule.sh -ra
# Kill running container
../mule.sh -k
# Build image, kill container if running, run new w/ attached TTY
../mule.sh -brak
# Run with specific options (loop-count, etc.)
../mule.sh -ra -l 1000