Project to Round-Up transactions for a given week and adding that combined amount into a Savings Goal using the freely avaliable Starling Bank API
This is a “round-up” feature for Starling customers using their public developer API that is available to all customers and partners.
For a customer, take all the transactions in a given week and round them up to the nearest £
pound. For example with spending of £4.35, £5.20 and £0.87, the round-up would be £1.58.
This amount should then be transferred into a savings goal -, helping the customer save for
future adventures.
- Sign-up for a Starling developer account and verify / secure your account.
- Create an application
- Create a sandbox customer for your application. This creates a new active customer account in a test bank, and simulates them granting API access to your application.
- Copy the access token for the customer. This is effectively a username / password for the customer’s account, specific to your application and the level of access they have chosen to give you.
- Click the auto-simulate button for the customer. This makes about 30 transactions on the customer account to give a reasonable history to play with \
Add your access token to the .env.local file
Run yarn install
Run yarn dev
This is just a demo to showcase some of the best practices using nextjs/react/typescript/eslint/redux/rtkquery and writing clean code that can be easily tested and can scale very well.
Other best practices such as API validation, testing etc will be added soon.
That’s it! You can now play around with the application and build on top of it.