nuget-audit is a dotnet tool for checking vulnerabilities in your .NET projects.
dotnet tool install -g NugetAudit
First, you need to set environment variables for using OSS Index for scanning vulnerabilities:
export NUGET_AUDIT_API_KEY <your_key>
export NUGET_AUDIT_USERNAME <your_username>
Then, run:
nuget-audit --audit-level=(Low|Medium|High|Critical) (path)
nuget-audit --audit-level=High .
nuget-audit --audit-level=Low ~/Projects/MyAwesomeProject/
FROM AS builder
RUN dotnet tool install --global NugetAudit
ENV PATH="/root/.dotnet/tools:${PATH}"
ENV NUGET_AUDIT_API_KEY="<your_api_key>"
ENV NUGET_AUDIT_USERNAME="<your_username>"
RUN nuget-audit --audit-level=High .
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.