A Python 3 client for the Pyrus API. The full documentation for API can be found here
instal pyrus-api library:
pip (preffered)
$ pip install --upgrade pyrus-api
Setuptools: Use the easy_install tool included in the setuptools package:
$ easy_install --upgrade pyrus-api
Manual installation: Download the latest version of pyrus-api client, unpack the code, and run:
$ python setup.py install
Import packages into your project:
from pyrus import client
import pyrus.models
- Create API client:
pyrus_client = client.PyrusAPI(login='login@pyrus.com', security_key='sadf2R5Wrdkn..')
- Perform authorization:
auth_response = pyrus_client.auth()
if response.success:
- Get all form templates:
forms_response = pyrus_client.get_forms()
forms = forms_response.forms
- Get tasks list by form template:
request = pyrus.models.requests.FormRegisterRequest(
filters=[pyrus.models.entities.EqualsFilter(1, "hello world")])
form_register_response = pyrus_client.get_registry(forms[0].id, request)
tasks = form_register_response.tasks
- Get task with all comments:
task = pyrus_client.get_task(tasks[0].id).task
- Add task comment:
request = pyrus.models.requests.TaskCommentRequest(text="hello", action="finished")
task = pyrus_client.comment_task(tasks[0].id, request).task
- Create a task:
request = CreateTaskRequest(
text="Task from python client",
participants=['colleague@email.com', 10196]
attachments = ['BEFCE22E-AEFF-4771-83D4-2A4B78FB05C6'])
task = pyrus_client.create_task(request).task
- Upload a file:
response = pyrus_client.upload_file('C:\\path\\to\\file.txt').guid
- Get catalog with all items:
catalog_id = 1525
catalog_response = pyrus_client.get_catalog(catalog_id)
items = catalog_response.items
- Create catalog
request = pyrus.models.requests.CreateCatalogRequest(
name = "NewCatalog",
catalog_headers = ["Column1", "Column2", "Column3"],
items = [
["A1", "A2", "A3"],
["B1", "B2", "B3"],
["C1", "C2", "C3"]
catalog_id = pyrus_client.create_catalog(request).catalog_id
- Sync catalog (All unspecified catalog items and text columns will be deleted)
catalog_id = 7825
request = pyrus.models.requests.SyncCatalogRequest(
apply = True,
catalog_headers = ["Column1", "Column4", "Column3"],
items = [
["A1", "A2", "A3"],
["B1", "B4", "B5"],
["D1", "D2", "D3"]
response = pyrus_client.sync_catalog(catalog_id, request)
delted = response.deleted
updated = response.updated
added = response.added
new_headers = response.catalog_headers
- Get all available contacts:
contacts = pyrus_client.get_contacts()
- Get all lists
response = pyrus_client.get_lists()
lists = response.lists
- Get all tasks in list
list_id = 1522
response = pyrus_client.get_task_list(list_id, item_count=25, include_archived=True)
tasks = response.tasks
If you have any questions or comments please send an email to support@pyrus.com