build static position-independant-executables without any runtime requirements static for real. not even needs libc or dynloader.
the resulting executables can be run on anything running a linux kernel, no matter which libc is installed.
available architectures:
- x86_64
- mips
- mipsel
available rust versions:
- 1.25.0 (default when no tag specified)
- 1.22.1
- nightly-2017-10-14
docker run -v $PWD:/src korhal/stasis-x86_64-rust:1.22.1 --release
undefined reference to something something
gnu ld depends on specific order of dependencies, which rust doesn't always do. however, gnuld also allows specifying a dependency multiple times, so you can just add the lib again with -e 'RUSTFLAGS=-C link-arg=-lz'