This is a fork of knockoff with some markdown extensions.
Wiki links like
Template invocations like
Ability to use markdown inside html tags, but...
Sanitizing inline html to very restrictive subset of it.
import com.tristanhunt.knockoff.DefaultDiscounter._
toXHTML(knockoff("""# My Markdown Content """))
You can use the blocks returned from the knockoff
method to do useful things, like fetch the header:
val blocks = knockoff("""# My markdown""")
blocks.find( _.isInstanceOf[Header] ).map( toText ).getOrElse( "No header" )
The short story, in an sbt project/Build.scala file:
lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")) dependsOn(knockoffProject)
lazy val knockoffProject = RootProject(uri(
The longer version can be read on this nice dev daily overview.
I do publish versions to the sonatype repository.
See the home page for more information:
License is BSD. Patches are welcome, if the patch is clean, I'll probably accept it.