A list of awesome modules and adaptors for the KrakenD framework.
- krakend-opencensus simple opencensus adapter (InfluxDB,Zipkin,Prometheus,Jaeger,Logger)
- krakend-metrics contains a set of middlewares for the KrakenD framework for instrumenting different parts of the pipes.
- letgoapp/krakend-influx adapter to send KrakenD metrics to an influxdb backend.
- krakend-newrelic integrates the NewRelic agent at router, proxies and backend levels
- krakend-etcd is an etcd client and subscriber for the KrakenD framework.
- joaoqalves/krakend-eureka is an eureka client and subscriber for the KrakenD framework.
- krakend-consul is a consul client for the KrakenD framework.
- schibsted/krakend-eureka is an eureka client and subscriber for the KrakenD framework.
- gobreaker contains an adaptor over the github.com/sony/gobreaker lib
- eapache is a simple proxy adaptor for the github.com/eapache/go-resiliency/breaker circuit breaker implementation
- hystrix cirbuit breaker implementation based on github.com/afex/hystrix-go
- rate embeds the golang.org/x/time/rate token bucket implementation into the proxy and router layers
- juju implements a rate limiter proxy and router using the github.com/juju/ratelimit lib
- schibsted/krakend-ratelimit KrakenD rate limiter implementation based on GCRA algorithm using github.com/throttled/throttled implementation
- krakend-martian injects martian modifiers into the KrakenD proxy pipe
- krakend-jsonschema exposes a KrakenD middleware for input validation using JSON schema definitions.
- krakend-cel exposes factories for injecting CEL evaluators into the three major pipe parts: endpoint rejected, proxy factory and backend factory.
- krakend-httpcache embeds an in-memory caching system that keeps the responses using the time specified in the Cache HTTP headers.
- krakend-grpc contains some experimental bindings for dealing with gRPC backends
- krakend-amqp
- krakend-pubsub
- krakend-jose offers two simple endpoint handlers for signing and verifing JWT
- bloomfilter exposes a Rejecter for tokens and cookies using a rotable, distributed and eventualy consistent bloomfilter
- krakend-oauth2-clientcredentialst offers a proxy.HTTPClientFactory implementation wrapping the golang.org/x/oauth2/clientcredentials lib
- krakend-httpsecure wraps the github.com/unrolled/secure package
- krakend-cors wraps the github.com/rs/cors package for mux and gopkg.in/gin-contrib/cors.v1 package for gin.
- krakend-ipfilter IP and CIDR filter middleware to control accesses based on IP
- krakend-gologging offers an improved logger for the KrakenD framework by adapting the github.com/op/go-logging lib
- krakend-logrus offers an improved logger for the KrakenD framework by adapting the github.com/sirupsen/logrus lib
- krakend-logstash is a log formatter compatible with logstash (uses krakend-gologging
- krakend-gelf is a gelf adapter for sending logs to GrayLog, Logstash, etc.
- krakend-viper parse config files from multiple formats
- krakend-flexibleconfig extended features for KrakenD config parsers (variable substitutions, etc)
- config2dot is a tool for translating config files into dot graphs
- krakend-cobra integrates the cobra lib into the KrakenD framework
- kraki is a linter and utility tool for KrakenD config files
- mikescandy/krakend-helm KrakenD Helm chart to install KrakenD on k8s.
- krakend-memviz Adds a dotfile exporter of resquest/response snapshots to your proxy stack for debug and devel pourposes (it will kill your performance)
- krakend-spew Dumps every resquest/response passing through your proxy stacks for debug and devel pourposes (it will kill your performance)
- krakend-postman Create automatic POSTMAN collection descriptions from you KrakenD config file
- hands on krakend Offers examples regarding working with KrakenD plugins
- krakend-deprecator is a middleware to schedule and automate endpoint deprecation