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Nodejs export pdf report from base html templates!

NPM version npm download



npm install --save octopus-pdf


  • Base html template with EJS engine.
  • Embeded Chart.js v2.9.3.
  • Server side without browser.


  • Import from package
   import { HtmlReport, ReportOptions } from "octopus-pdf";
  • Define configures
const reportOptions: ReportOptions = {
  title: "Test report with chartjs",
  useChartJs: true,
  pdfOptions: {
    margin: {
      top: "100px",
      bottom: "200px",
      right: "30px",
      left: "30px",
  template: "template.ejs",
  headerTemplate: "header-template.ejs",
  footerTemplate: "footer-template.ejs",
  styles: [
  scripts: [
  data: {
    users: [
            name: "Luong Phung",
            name: "Jasmine",
    title: "Test report with chartjs",
    author: "Luong Phung",
    time: "2020",
  • Create pdf file as buffer
  const htmlReport = new HtmlReport();
  const reportPdf = await htmlReport.createPdf(reportOptions);
  const savePath = path.resolve("./chartjs_report.pdf");
  fs.writeFileSync(savePath, reportPdf, "binary");
  • Check you report file "chartjs_report.pdf"

Screen shots

screen shot

API references


Name type default Description
scale number 1 Scale of the webpage rendering
printBackground boolean false Print background graphics.
landscape boolean false Paper orientation
format string "A4" Page format as : "Letter" "A0" ... "A4" ...
margin {top, bottom, left, right} {0, 0, 0, 0} Page margin as number of pixels


Name type default Description
title string null Pdf report title
useChartJs boolean false Use chartjs as default
pdfOptions PdfOptions null any
template string null Template path
footerTemplate string null Footer template path
headerTemplate string null Header template path
styles string[] [] Style paths
scripts string[] [] Scripts paths
data object {} Report data


octopus-pdf is released under the MIT license.