This is a demo application of building enterprise applications using Java EE. There are a variety of APIs used, e.g., Java EE (JPA, EJB), Spring Framework, modern SPA Web (Angular, Ember.JS), and so on. Each major framework has its own subdirectory.
It will be used as a showcase in various courses offered by Learning Tree, the world leader in instructor-led tecnical training. Learning Tree offers courses in Java as well as many other enterprise applications.
Legal Note: We do not intend this to be a passing-off of, which is a trademark in most countries. It is just a demonstration of how certain parts of an enterprise app could be implemented. WE ARE NOT ACTUALLY SELLING ANY TICKETS.
This site is not affiliated in any way with TicketMaster™ nor any other commercial ticket selling organization.
The Java projects generally use Eclipse to write/compile/test code and Maven to build/package. The Android project uses Android Studio (based on IntelliJ IDea) to write code and Gradle to compile/test/package.
The top-level Maven pom runs each of the other projects (including android, through a Maven plug-in that knows how to run Gradle).
The server projects are configured to deploy with the EE Server WildFly 8+
You MUST change the file ${WILDFLYHOME}/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml AND standalone-full.xml to have a datasource named TicketManorDataSource. For initial testing I just added:
<datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/TicketManorDataSource" pool-name="TicketManorPool" enabled="true" use-java-context="true"> <connection-url>jdbc:h2:mem:ticketmanor;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE</connection-url> <driver>h2</driver> <security> <user-name>sa</user-name> <password>sa</password> </security> </datasource>
We should someday change this to MySQL or a real database before deployment.
N.B. Never give the production app unfettered access to the database; limit it by doing something like this (commands are from PostgreSQL but will be similar on other DB products):
website=# create role myAppAcct login password 'siuojk21jsr'; CREATE ROLE website=# grant select,insert on someTable to myAppAcct; GRANT website=#
You might need a few other perms if JPA/Hibernate is running in "create" or "update" mode, but these modes should not really be used in production!
In the Java code:
*Bean means either a JSF managed JavaBean or a Spring-managed JavaBean;
*Resource means a RESTful web service endpoint;
*Ejb (or *EJB) of course represents an Enterprise JavaBean.
Use to create Eclipse projects for different courses.
The following is IN ADDITION to getting the basic functionality working across all the designated APIs that we need to demonstrate in the courses. It’s more a placeholder for IDEAS than an actual list of steps to do.
Digest an RSS feed of new movies, concerts, acts, and load into the database.
"Sync Instance" feature to update the database from a master copy on the Internet.
Maybe use j2objc to make iOS versions of at least the Model classes.