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Healthbot CLI

Khelil Sator edited this page Feb 11, 2019 · 11 revisions

This is currently not supported. So, FYI only:

Healthbot uses MGD (management daemon)
So you can use commit, compare, rollback, set, delete, show xxx | display xml ....
The data model is Healthbot specific. It is described in YANG.

Healthbot configuration using CLI end to end demo

This demo will monitor BGP sessions state using SNMP.

we will use Healthbot CLI to:

  • create devices
  • create a topic and a rule
  • create a playbook
  • create a device group
  • instantiate the playbook
  • commit the configuration

ssh to healthbot and start a shell session in the MGD container

$ docker ps | grep mgd
$ docker exec -it <container_id> bash

Example with container_id b0841c08522a

$ docker exec -it b0841c08522a bash

start cli

root@b0841c08522a:/# cli

run this command to get the configuration from postgres.
This will load the configuration from postgres to MGD

root@b0841c08522a> request iceberg load

edit candidate configuration

root@b0841c08522a> edit 

copy and paste these lines to create the devices vMX3 and vMX4

set iceberg device vMX3 host
set iceberg device vMX3 system-id vMX3
set iceberg device vMX3 open-config port 32768
set iceberg device vMX3 iAgent port 830
set iceberg device vMX3 authentication password username jcluser
set iceberg device vMX3 authentication password password Juniper!1
set iceberg device vMX4 host
set iceberg device vMX4 system-id vMX4
set iceberg device vMX4 open-config port 32768
set iceberg device vMX4 iAgent port 830
set iceberg device vMX4 authentication password username jcluser
set iceberg device vMX4 authentication password password Juniper!1

copy and paste these lines to add the rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp to the topic bgp

  • the rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp uses SNMP to monitor bgp sessions state.
  • bgpPeerRemoteAddr is used as index in the healthbot database.
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp keys bgpPeerRemoteAddr
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp sensor bgpPeerTable snmp table
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp sensor bgpPeerTable snmp frequency 15s
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp field bgpPeerRemoteAddr sensor bgpPeerTable path bgpPeerRemoteAddr
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp field bgpPeerRemoteAddr type string
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp field bgpPeerRemoteAddr description bgpPeerRemoteAddr
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp field bgpPeerState sensor bgpPeerTable path bgpPeerState
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp field bgpPeerState type integer
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp field bgpPeerState description bgpPeerState
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp trigger state frequency 30s
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp trigger state term session_is_established when equal-to "$bgpPeerState" 6
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp trigger state term session_is_established then status color green
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp trigger state term session_is_established then status message "BGP neighbor $bgpPeerRemoteAddr is in ESTABLISHED state"
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp trigger state term session_is_not_established then status color red
set iceberg topic bgp rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp trigger state term session_is_not_established then status message "BGP neighbor $bgpPeerRemoteAddr is NOT in ESTABLISHED state"

copy and paste these lines to add the playbook bgp-using-snmp

  • the playbook bgp-using-snmp uses the rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp from the topic bgp
set iceberg playbook bgp-using-snmp rules bgp/check-bgp-state-using-snmp
set iceberg playbook bgp-using-snmp description "playbook to monitor bgp using snmp"
set iceberg playbook bgp-using-snmp synopsis "playbook to monitor bgp using snmp"

copy and paste these lines to add the group Group2

  • this will create the Group2 with the devices vMX3 and vMX4
  • This will also instanciate the playbook bgp-using-snmp for this group.

set iceberg device-group Group2 description Group2
set iceberg device-group Group2 devices vMX3
set iceberg device-group Group2 devices vMX4
set iceberg device-group Group2 playbooks bgp-using-snmp
set iceberg device-group Group2 variable bgp_using_snmp_intance_1 bgp-using-snmp bgp/check-bgp-state-using-snmp

compare the candidate configuration with the running configuration

root@b0841c08522a# show | compare
[edit iceberg]
+   topic bgp {
+       rule check-bgp-state-using-snmp {
+           keys bgpPeerRemoteAddr;
+           sensor bgpPeerTable {
+               snmp {
+                   table;
+                   frequency 15s;
+               }
+           }
+           field bgpPeerRemoteAddr {
+               sensor bgpPeerTable {
+                   path bgpPeerRemoteAddr;
+               }
+               type string;
+               description bgpPeerRemoteAddr;
+           }
+           field bgpPeerState {
+               sensor bgpPeerTable {
+                   path bgpPeerState;
+               }
+               type integer;
+               description bgpPeerState;
+           }
+           trigger state {
+               frequency 30s;
+               term session_is_established {
+                   when {
+                       equal-to "$bgpPeerState" 6;
+                   }
+                   then {
+                       status {
+                           color green;
+                           message "BGP neighbor $bgpPeerRemoteAddr is in ESTABLISHED state";
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+               term session_is_not_established {
+                   then {
+                       status {
+                           color red;
+                           message "BGP neighbor $bgpPeerRemoteAddr is NOT in ESTABLISHED state";
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+   }
[edit iceberg]
+   playbook bgp-using-snmp {
+       rules bgp/check-bgp-state-using-snmp;
+       description "playbook to monitor bgp using snmp";
+       synopsis "playbook to monitor bgp using snmp";
+   }
[edit iceberg]
+   device vMX3 {
+       host;
+       system-id vMX3;
+       open-config {
+           port 32768;
+       }
+       iAgent {
+           port 830;
+       }
+       authentication {
+           password {
+               username root;
+               password Embe1mpls;
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   device vMX4 {
+       host;
+       system-id vMX4;
+       open-config {
+           port 32768;
+       }
+       iAgent {
+           port 830;
+       }
+       authentication {
+           password {
+               username root;
+               password Embe1mpls;
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   device-group Group2 {
+       description Group2;
+       devices [ vMX3 vMX4 ];
+       playbooks bgp-using-snmp;
+       variable bgp_using_snmp_intance_1 bgp-using-snmp bgp/check-bgp-state-using-snmp;
+   }


commit the candidate configuration

root@b0841c08522a# commit and-quit

display device vMX3 configuration in text format

root@b0841c08522a> show configuration iceberg device vMX3
system-id vMX3;
open-config {
    port 32768;
iAgent {
    port 830;
authentication {
    password {
        username root;
        password Embe1mpls;

Committing the configuration into mgd database does not store the config in postgres.
Run this command to read the configuration from mgd and commit it to postgres. So, this will deploy the change from mgd to heathbot

root@b0841c08522a> request iceberg deploy

Visit the healthbot GUI


Health of vMX3:

Health of vMX4:

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