"sakruamml" is a MML/ABC to MIDI compier.
This compiler that converts the text of "cde" into MIDI files. It is a tool that allows you to easily create music. It is made with Rust and works on multiple platforms (macOS/Windows/Linux/WebAssembly).
- GitHub/sakuramml-rust
- crate.io/sakuramml
- npm/sakuramml
- Related repository
- GitHub/picosakura ... web player
- GitHub/picosakura-rust ... local player
- Pico-Sakura --- WebAssembly version
Please install Rust compier.
$ git clone https://github.com/kujirahand/sakuramml-rust.git
$ cd sakuramml-rust
$ cargo build --release
is compiler.
Please make text file "test.mml". Execute the following command to generate a MIDI file.
$ sakuramml test.mml
o4 cdefgab>c<bagfedc
TR=1 CH=1 l1 ceg^
l4 `ceg` `dfa`8 `egb`8 `ceg`
// top
TIME(1:1:0) cdef
TIME(1:1:0) efga
// 2mes
TIME(2:1:0) cdef
command let time pointer back.
SUB{ cdef c }
SUB{ efga e }
rrrr g
In the rhythm macro, one character is treated as one instruction regardless of uppercase or lowercase letters. Rhythm macro definitions are described as "$(char){definition}".
// define macro
// new macro
// sample
[4 l8
brSr bbsr r-1
hoho hoho
The tuplets are written as "DIV{...}", but "DIV" can be omitted and written as "{ceg}".
l4 DIV{cde} f DIV{gab} >c<
l4 {cde} f {gab} >c<
l4 {cde}c {gfe}d {c^d} e {d^e} f
The tuplets can nest.
l1 { c d {efe} d } c
"(" decreases the velocity by 8, and ")" increases the velocity by 8.
v127 c ( c ( c (( c )) c ) c ) c
`ceg` `dfa` `egb` `ceg`
- v.onTime(low, high, len, ...) / 省略形 v.T(low,high,len,...)
- The value that should be specified for
is the tick. When specifying the note length, it should be written as!4
, for example.
- The value that should be specified for
- v.onNote(v1, v2, v3, ...) / abbreviation: v.N(v1,v2,v3,...)
- t.onNote(v1, v2, v3, ...) / abbreviation: t.N(v1,v2,v3,...)
- (ControllChange or PB or p).onTime(low, high, len, ...)
v.onTime(0,127,!1) l8cccccccc
BR(2) PB.onTime(-8192,0,!4) l4c PB(0) efg^
It can define Macro.
// define Macro
STR P1 = {cdefg}
#P1 = {cdefg}
// expand Macro
The macro can replace with arguments.
It replaces #?1
// define macro
#Unison = { Key=#?2 Sub{ #?1 } Key=0 #?1 }
// expand macro with arguments
It can use IF/FOR/WHILE/FUNCTION script.
// IF
INT A = 3
INT B = 5
IF (A == B) { PRINT({A == B}) } ELSE { PRINT({A != B}) }
// FOR
FOR (INT N=1; N < 5; N++) {
It can define variables of INT, STR, and ARRAY types.
// define variables
INT I1=30
STR S1={abcd}
ARRAY A1=(1,2,3)
// use variables
PRINT(I1) // 30
PRINT(S1) // abcd
PRINT(A1) // (1,2,3)
PRINT(A1(2)) // 3
- Command List(ja) --- command.md
- Voice List - voice.md