A Bitrise trigger in pure bash
chmod +x gitrise.sh
gitrise.sh [options]
Usage: gitrise [options]
-w, --workflow <string> Bitrise Workflow
-b, --branch <string> Git Branch
-e, --env <string> List of environment variables in the form of key1:value1,key2:value2
-a, --access-token <string> Bitrise access token
-s, --slug <string> Bitrise project slug
-v, --version App version
-d, --debug Debug mode enabled
-h, --help Print this help text
Please see here for Bitrise API Reference
Bug reports and suggestions for improvement are always welcome! Pull requests are also accepted!
If you are interested in adding functionality through a pull request, please open a new issue so that we have the chance to discuss it first.
Before opening a PR, please make sure you have gone through the following steps:
- linted the scripts you have touched using ShellCheck
- added tests for your changes
To run the unit tests, use the following command in the project directory
After testing your changes, open a pull request to merge your branch into the develop branch.
This software is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of this license is included in the file LICENSE.