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Crypto Sign

Crypto Sign is Kumar Nalinaksh's personal submission to the code challenge prompt found below.


This is intended to be used on Unix based file systems. However this script has been written in such a manner that it can be executed on Windows and Linux both.

To run this script you need to have Python3 installed.


crypto-sign-challenge MESSAGE

MESSAGE is the message you wish to sign with your private key.

The following is an example with output included.

$ crypto-sign-challenge 'Welcome to the Jungle'
    "message": "Welcome to the Jungle",
    "signature": "MIGIAkIBHEc8FETUYOPze9YxePzBfN2OjbstTYQxfViHu6vziSfDbM5iJ8jCmH3LkScgoTNCRBAMBY407jDC/fYq88iN22cCQgCmytbObfzxtHWHpcYFvOb3PHHDKlv+rtAZJ/+AdxBvihjY/xRDi1PH8GhyEgzW7xzJ1KF7BhqmeMwH9pXUCx6JiA==",
    "pubkey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGbMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAjA4GGAAQAxMXE/k5LOn1ZeSNgILi/fsDyHwwW\nSugmEndN786laNFUJ0Ulzit1FumnY71Op7Gwuqrv+YoqrEwpHtpnV8mLgvEBr9sX\ncNatfZzPtjOLpHzkVfLSCX94E7uNUZx13eigwugCsR87rn94CLRU3GDbLnLO6W4f\n12FkAhynQpvqaWNKpn8=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"


This project will generate a new RSA private - public key pair if it does not exist and will store it in:


If the directory does not exist, it will try to create it. Incase the directory creation is unsucccessful due to access permission issues, then it will use the current working directory.

Code Challenge Prompt

Using Python, provide an application that meets the following requirements:

  • Given a string input of up to 250 characters, return a JSON response compliant to the schema defined below.
    • You are responsible for generating a public/private RSA or ECDSA keypair and persisting the keypair on the filesystem
      • Subsequent invocations of your application should read from the same files
  • Document your code, at a minimum defining parameter types and return values for any public methods
  • Include Unit Test(s) with instructions on how a Continuous Integration system can execute your test(s)
  • You may only use first order libraries, you may not use any third party libraries or packages. For example, you may use the OpenSSL library, but you may not use any libraries built on top of OpenSSL.

JSON Schema for your application response:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Signed Identifier",
    "description": "Schema for a signed identifier",
    "type": "object",
    "required": [ "message", "signature", "pubkey" ],
    "properties": {
        "message": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "original string provided as the input to your app"
        "signature": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "RFC 4648 compliant Base64 encoded cryptographic signature of the input, calculated using the private key and the SHA256 digest of the input"
        "pubkey": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Base64 encoded string (PEM format) of the public key generated from the private key used to create the digital signature"


Libraries Used

  1. sys
  2. os
  3. platform
  4. base64
  5. json
  6. logging
  7. OpenSSL
  8. unittest -> in for unit testing.

Global Variables

  1. Initialising empty message
     message = "" 
  2. Initialising empty count for number of characters in the message
    count = 0 
  3. Initialising key type to RSA, modify to TYPE_DSA for DSA
    Type_Key = crypto.TYPE_RSA
  4. Initialising bit size for keys
    bits = 2048
  5. Initialising empty private key
    private_key = ""
  6. Initialising empty public key
    public_key = "" 
  7. Initialising empty pkey object
    pkey = "" 
  8. Initialising empty signature
    signature = ""
  9. Initialising empty JSON response
    resultJSON = {}
  10. set global flag as false
    flag = False
  11. Total arguments passed to the script
    numberOfArguments = len(sys.argv)


  1. Consolidate_Message()

    • It takes no arguments.
    • Operates on global variables message, numberOfArguments.
    • Consolidates the message into "message" global variable from sys.argv[].
  2. Check_Input()

    • It takes no arguments.
    • Operates on global variables message, count, flag.
    • Counts number of characters in the message and then logs whether it is within acceptable parameter or not, also sets flag accordingly.
  3. Create_Key_Pair()

    • It takes no arguments.
    • Operates on global variables Type_Key, bits, private_key, public_key and pkey.
    • It generates Private and Public key pairs.
  4. Read_Key_Pair_From_PEM_File(PrivFilePath, PubFilepath)

    • It takes two arguments.
    • PrivFilePath is full path for private key while PubFilepath is full path for public key.
    • It reads Private and Public keys from their respective PEM files.
  5. Write_Key_Pair_To_PEM_File(PrivFilePath, PubFilepath)

    • It takes two arguments.
    • PrivFilePath is full path for private key while PubFilepath is full path for public key.
    • It writes Private and Public keys into their respective PEM files.
  6. Check_Operating_System_Type()

    • It takes no arguments.
    • It checks the type of operating system, whether Windows or Linux and returns the same.
  7. Check_If_directory_Exists_And_Then_Configure_Keys()

    • It takes no arguments.
    • Operates on global variables private_key, public_key.
    • It checks if directory exists, else tries to create it. If unsuccessful then uses current working directory and configure keys.
  8. Signing_The_Message()

    • It takes no arguments.
    • Operates on global variables signature, private_key and message.
    • It generates RFC 4648 compliant Base64 encoded cryptographic signature of the message, calculated using the private key and the SHA256 digest of the message.
  9. Form_JSON()

    • It takes no arguments.
    • Operates on global variables resultJSON, message, signature and public_key.
    • It generates JSON compliant to the schema defined above in README.
  10. Main()

    • It takes no arguments.
    • This is the main function.
    • Order of execution in Main() function is as follows:
      Consolidate_Message() #generates message from Command Line arguments
      Check_Input() #checking input and consolidating message, if as per policy then program will proceed.
      if flag == True:
          Check_If_directory_Exists_And_Then_Configure_Keys() #checking if directory exists, else we try to create it. If unsuccessful then we use current working directory and configure the keys
          Signing_The_Message() #generating RFC 4648 compliant Base64 encoded cryptographic signature of the message, calculated using the private key and the SHA256 digest of the message
          Form_JSON() #generating JSON compliant to the schema defined in README   


>python Hello World!


   "message": "Hello World! ",
   "signature": "fQOnDSvDbHVOExLA/Ss9wfhVvFepNtQ59qkk9pl6ZEyixbY+6CblmAcaEblNTJcir6FEHzslph7z\nsGawOVh7/WPUF6gg3Inl+hASmlzIkCBDLAr1smbbahoVv9BMqMWiaapHS1A3/Mo45ddrx8DxIp4K\n7nOh4sa0wdjynB0teI5UnfEUFUwmdx+ENuRScc5tUhr9kUdk9+SOXn88T8M77W4sfG7UF7lVHwmT\nv5YbiDSLFq3khY9OzI/Pe2d8IP0DKBBfg6WrecWyKJVmhfUafq9OskRX/knVYhvkHntIzB81AdnS\nH3GpiddlPO8KHnq8059fCbEiPGVUIj9C2Bk5cQ==\n",
   "pubkey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAv2OTb1wxV62Rmlzxz70e\nEzmAWcBdixjqivrczJo9FeJpQjcV97XWFi6lJKpYkBiAOT8sYiWxNFaoDd1l5utO\ntrVEV9z3ZP4OrOOnLQjmIB6oaAKCIwUD2jdKb+1dl35f3CzQMEQoxefSsygYHLnv\nDv/wB9YzG6WHiqiqJnMeDLbPd2azgeOUrxGDnNNDf3olJVOzp5sEqauHfFXAP3JL\nhCfD44ATRH1tySSvj3TziFOyjNfDD4/6RZfnloyozVco2zOG7uiEcsg8fVIy7vBm\n1fFxNWleTfvEsS8YpLJ31WkYyiMJAcIbZhrnvhIK/Kt2cAbDcKBOUcvSaTacIUAr\nfwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"

Logs generated (crypto_sign_challenge.log) as follows:

2021-10-05 07:11:53,137 - root - Script has been invoked!
2021-10-05 07:11:53,189 - root - Constructing the message from parsed arguments.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,189 - root - The message is within acceptable parameters
2021-10-05 07:11:53,226 - root - Default directory does not esist.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,226 - root - Attempting to creating the directory
2021-10-05 07:11:53,228 - root - Default directory could not be created due to access permission issue.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,228 - root - Instead of default directory program will now use current working directory.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,228 - root - Private and Public keys does not exist.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,435 - root - Key pair has been generated
2021-10-05 07:11:53,435 - root - Private key has been written to the PEM file.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,437 - root - Private key has been configured in the form of pkey() object.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,437 - root - Public key has been written to the PEM file.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,438 - root - Public key has been loaded from the PEM file and decoded to Base64.
2021-10-05 07:11:53,443 - root - Signature has been formed and decoded to Base64
2021-10-05 07:11:53,443 - root - {'message': 'Hello World! ', 'signature': 'fQOnDSvDbHVOExLA/Ss9wfhVvFepNtQ59qkk9pl6ZEyixbY+6CblmAcaEblNTJcir6FEHzslph7z\nsGawOVh7/WPUF6gg3Inl+hASmlzIkCBDLAr1smbbahoVv9BMqMWiaapHS1A3/Mo45ddrx8DxIp4K\n7nOh4sa0wdjynB0teI5UnfEUFUwmdx+ENuRScc5tUhr9kUdk9+SOXn88T8M77W4sfG7UF7lVHwmT\nv5YbiDSLFq3khY9OzI/Pe2d8IP0DKBBfg6WrecWyKJVmhfUafq9OskRX/knVYhvkHntIzB81AdnS\nH3GpiddlPO8KHnq8059fCbEiPGVUIj9C2Bk5cQ==\n', 'pubkey': '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAv2OTb1wxV62Rmlzxz70e\nEzmAWcBdixjqivrczJo9FeJpQjcV97XWFi6lJKpYkBiAOT8sYiWxNFaoDd1l5utO\ntrVEV9z3ZP4OrOOnLQjmIB6oaAKCIwUD2jdKb+1dl35f3CzQMEQoxefSsygYHLnv\nDv/wB9YzG6WHiqiqJnMeDLbPd2azgeOUrxGDnNNDf3olJVOzp5sEqauHfFXAP3JL\nhCfD44ATRH1tySSvj3TziFOyjNfDD4/6RZfnloyozVco2zOG7uiEcsg8fVIy7vBm\n1fFxNWleTfvEsS8YpLJ31WkYyiMJAcIbZhrnvhIK/Kt2cAbDcKBOUcvSaTacIUAr\nfwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n'}
2021-10-05 07:11:53,444 - root - JSON has been formed and decoded to Base64
2021-10-05 07:11:53,444 - root - Script execution has completed successfully!


There are three test cases:

  1. Testing with 0 characters as message.
  2. Testing with message within character limitations of 1-250.
  3. Testing with message of more than 250 characters.

Azure pipelines can execute these tests. We can add a testing job in the YAML file of the pipeline.



   "message": "Hello Zindagi",
   "signature": "UOsiKZkmxG0b0/lSgsCaEIamiJBoFThnN1exNnuwX7n8cxVsHwInzKNOWLjb1XXh0GYY/za88uPR\nSUngZVeYmM7x5N092BdPZkj9+BXnm1idzDM92E9xk2KCGzHsyhPnsjeK4tq574GJgV22xm9+duY+\nKNuEbs6VdH2LikhDfJL1FYCOeOfRGbpBCo27f+A8ELPK7EWiJNvN3IJ2vO8mTHqdyvAlAKxK3krY\nITDnYJm+31kv+bClipJqEWWV1TEnpNgXiQ480XvKsMWFSwIrTrRKfx5eVJ5k+dw00yn74eLrDzRq\nxYp8VJDISwLfl72sQsLXrXKOryUIb6dUcTR7kw==\n",
   "pubkey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAryemBvEqu/738BPsJbDJ\nIzWLIWKvthlDadk7UZfBHisTW/SCrdBa9oMsXhg0WhCLOYE+s2lPvNJ1oTX3BeLp\nxs2f9VrscVBLiK7yO+remGn0ZSgdRtm1zTHIoQphYHEBhZjduWbvDMWpgF9dEfM1\nBXay2ENb9SDFMmGKr64kGeod/h6nxvBXGohEpyEmwyx4U049kPW9kSzcR/H6+Ys/\nkS8Y6aHLoh3fVYFOplibtOOCtcYxMmT9vuA2vr7cSO3i5KkeYJXOkllCK4IC5HVC\nZkhp7jdXL/Q5IMzdhwZNpjadEshO9/HsD7IvAnGc1M06QadEgHM5BTKHt9nPibDt\nEQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
Ran 3 tests in 0.018s


Logs generated (crypto_sign_challenge.log) as follows:

2021-10-05 07:19:10,297 - root - Script has been invoked!
2021-10-05 07:19:10,297 - root - Constructing the message from parsed arguments.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,298 - root - The message must be more than 1 character and less than 250 characters.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,298 - root - Script execution is unsuccessfull!
2021-10-05 07:19:10,298 - root - The message must be more than 1 character and less than 250 characters.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,298 - root - Script execution is unsuccessfull!
2021-10-05 07:19:10,299 - root - Default directory does not esist.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,299 - root - Attempting to creating the directory
2021-10-05 07:19:10,301 - root - Default directory could not be created due to access permission issue.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,301 - root - Instead of default directory program will now use current working directory.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,301 - root - Private and Public keys does not exist.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,416 - root - Key pair has been generated
2021-10-05 07:19:10,416 - root - Private key has been written to the PEM file.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,417 - root - Private key has been configured in the form of pkey() object.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,417 - root - Public key has been written to the PEM file.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,418 - root - Public key has been loaded from the PEM file and decoded to Base64.
2021-10-05 07:19:10,420 - root - Signature has been formed and decoded to Base64
2021-10-05 07:19:10,420 - root - {'message': 'Hello Zindagi', 'signature': 'UOsiKZkmxG0b0/lSgsCaEIamiJBoFThnN1exNnuwX7n8cxVsHwInzKNOWLjb1XXh0GYY/za88uPR\nSUngZVeYmM7x5N092BdPZkj9+BXnm1idzDM92E9xk2KCGzHsyhPnsjeK4tq574GJgV22xm9+duY+\nKNuEbs6VdH2LikhDfJL1FYCOeOfRGbpBCo27f+A8ELPK7EWiJNvN3IJ2vO8mTHqdyvAlAKxK3krY\nITDnYJm+31kv+bClipJqEWWV1TEnpNgXiQ480XvKsMWFSwIrTrRKfx5eVJ5k+dw00yn74eLrDzRq\nxYp8VJDISwLfl72sQsLXrXKOryUIb6dUcTR7kw==\n', 'pubkey': '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAryemBvEqu/738BPsJbDJ\nIzWLIWKvthlDadk7UZfBHisTW/SCrdBa9oMsXhg0WhCLOYE+s2lPvNJ1oTX3BeLp\nxs2f9VrscVBLiK7yO+remGn0ZSgdRtm1zTHIoQphYHEBhZjduWbvDMWpgF9dEfM1\nBXay2ENb9SDFMmGKr64kGeod/h6nxvBXGohEpyEmwyx4U049kPW9kSzcR/H6+Ys/\nkS8Y6aHLoh3fVYFOplibtOOCtcYxMmT9vuA2vr7cSO3i5KkeYJXOkllCK4IC5HVC\nZkhp7jdXL/Q5IMzdhwZNpjadEshO9/HsD7IvAnGc1M06QadEgHM5BTKHt9nPibDt\nEQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n'}
2021-10-05 07:19:10,427 - root - JSON has been formed and decoded to Base64


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