The given folder link contains all the APK Builds. Supported build may vary based on OS version (preferrably install app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk).
- To register all kinds of users in the Firebase
- Use Google Maps APIs for navigation
- Can be used for both general and emergency usage
- To explore navigational pathways in general use
- To experience real-time GPS navigation systems
- Display the profile details of user
- Update prfile data by routes
- Delete profile by routes
- Create emergency ticket
- Add the newly added emergency in the Firebase database
- Update emergency details in the frontend
- Update the emergency in the Firebase
- Delete an emergency if required by the user
- Update the deleted emergency in the Firebase
- Driver-only accessible feature
- Accepts an emergency ticket
- Updates the pending emergences in the Firebase
- Driver-only accessible feature
- Declines an emergency ticket
- When an emergency ticket is accepted by the driver, navigation starts automatically