const ramkumar = {
location: "India 🇮🇳",
role: "Full Stack Developer",
workingOn: ["Web3", "DApps", "Smart Contracts"],
languages: [
"JavaScript", "TypeScript", "Rust", "Solidity",
"C", "C++", "Java"
askMeAbout: [
"Web Development", "Blockchain", "Smart Contracts",
"MERN Stack", "System Design", "DevOps"
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
frameworks: ["React", "Next.js"],
styling: ["Tailwind CSS", "Material-UI", "Styled Components", "CSS3"],
stateManagement: ["Redux", "Zustand", "Context API"]
backEnd: {
js: ["Node.js", "Express.js"],
rust: ["Actix", "Tokio"],
databases: {
sql: ["PostgreSQL", "MySQL"],
nosql: ["MongoDB", "Redis"],
orm: ["Prisma", "Mongoose", "TypeORM"]
blockchain: {
networks: ["Ethereum", "Solana"],
tools: ["Web3.js", "Ethers.js", "Anchor", "Hardhat"],
storage: ["IPFS", "Arweave"],
contracts: ["Solidity", "Rust"]
devOps: {
containerization: ["Docker", "Kubernetes"],
cicd: ["GitHub Actions"],
cloud: ["AWS", "Vercel"]
tools: ["Git", "Postman", "VS Code", "Vim"]
currentFocus: "Building scalable Web3 applications",
funFact: "I debug with console.log and refuse to admit it! 😄"
- 🔭 Working on: Enterprise-level Web3 Applications
- 🌱 Learning: Zero-Knowledge Proofs & Layer 2 Solutions
- 👯 Open to collaborate on: Innovative Blockchain Projects
- 🎓 Studying: Advanced System Design & Scalability
- 💬 Ask me about: Full Stack Development, Web3, Smart Contracts
- ⚡ Fun fact: I can debug in my sleep... literally had dreams about fixing bugs! 💭