NOTE: This module is a fork of the original Magento 2 WebAPI Logger (REST). It adds additional settings to the module configuration like enabling/disabling of scopes.
A Magento module for logging all REST API requests as text files in var/log/webapi_rest/ folder.
In order to install the module via composer, run the following commands in commandline of your shop base directory (where the shop's composer.json file resides).
composer require "vladflonta/magento2-webapi-log":"~0" --no-update
Read for more details:
"repositories": [
"kussin_magento2-webapi-log": {
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"vladflonta/magento2-webapi-log": "dev-stage"
And then run the following command in commandline of your shop base directory (where the shop's composer.json file resides).
composer update --no-interactions
git clone app/code/VladFlonta/WebApiLog
bin/magento module:enable VladFlonta_WebApiLog
bin/magento setup:upgrade
The modules logs requests to subfolders in the var/log/webapi_rest
according to the REST route.
Example: var/log/webapi_rest/integration/admin/token/20181213_082324.log
Remark: Auth requests do not contain body / response to avoid a security breach.
Kussin | eCommerce und Online-Marketing GmbH
Fahltskamp 3
25462 Rellingen
Fon: +49 (4101) 85868 - 0
This project is licensed under the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
(c) 2006-2022 Kussin | eCommerce und Online-Marketing GmbH