Course 1
SQL For Data Science SQLITE
US-based organization called Yelp, which provides a platform for users to provide reviews and rate their interactions with a variety of organizations – businesses, restaurants, health clubs, hospitals, local governmental offices, charitable organizations, etc.
Yelp has made a portion of this data available for personal, educational, and academic purposes.
Data set for these exercises where loaded onto Mode analytics
- Perform query on Yelp dataset from remote server
- Answer specific questions for an organization and make inferences based on your discoveries.
- The final projects helps understand indepth of AB testing at an item-level, running an experiment for all users who visit a site will see the same page, but the layout of different item pages may differ.
- All datasets where clone to Mode analytics and SQL where querried on the platform.
- Questions and querries are in the sql file extension below
Course 3
Distributed Computing with Spark SQL
- Module-1
- Module-2
- Module-3
- Module-4