Earthquake Life Saver is a groundbreaking app that leverages the power of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to provide a lifeline in the event of a devastating earthquake. By utilizing a combination of Flutter for cross-platform development and native Android and IOS code for robust Bluetooth LE advertising, Earthquake Life Saver empowers users to transmit critical information, including blood type, name, and floor number, directly to rescuers, even in areas with limited or no network connectivity.
Key Features
Seamless Bluetooth LE Advertising: Automatically transmits your vital information via BLE, ensuring rescuers can locate you quickly and efficiently.
Enhanced Signal Strength Indicators: Guides rescuers towards you using signal strength, providing a clear path to your location.
Vital Medical Information Sharing: Share your medical condition details, such as blood type, allergies, and medication needs, ensuring rescuers are prepared to provide optimal care.
Development Approach
This app is the culmination of a collaborative effort led by Kaan Kutluturk, a passionate technologist and high school student dedicated to developing innovative solutions that protect lives. The project seamlessly integrates the versatility of Flutter with the robustness of native Android code, ensuring a consistent and reliable user experience across platforms.
Technical Highlights
Platform Channels: Invisible bridges connecting Flutter's UI realm with native Bluetooth communication, enabling seamless data exchange.
Optimized Data Transmission: Efficiently packs life-saving information into compact data structures, overcoming Bluetooth payload size limitations.
Rigorous Testing: Subjected to rigorous testing, including simulations and field trials, to ensure unwavering reliability in critical situations.
Community and Future Enhancements
Active User Feedback: We actively gather and incorporate user feedback to continuously improve the app's functionality and user experience.
Partnerships with Emergency Response Organizations: Collaborating with emergency response professionals to ensure the app aligns with their protocols and enhances their rescue operations.
Ongoing Development: Continuously exploring ways to expand the app's range, incorporate additional safety features, and integrate with existing emergency response systems.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the app for non-commercial purposes. Commercial use is prohibited without prior written consent from the author.
Copyright © 2023 Kaan Kutluturk - IELEV.