A tool for Unity to apply any process to AnimationCurves.
It works by starting the tool window from Tools/AnimationCurvePostprocessor
, selecting AnimationClip, and choosing the process want to apply.
Multiple AnimationClips can be processed simultaneously, with the option to overwrite or save as.
This asset can be installed using the Unity Package Manager (UPM).
No packages are required for installation.
Open Window > Package Manager
and click the + sign in the upper left corner to display Add package from git URL...
You can install the latest version by typing https://github.com/kuyuri-iroha/AnimationCurvePostprocessor.git?path=/AnimationCurvePostprocessor/Assets/AnimationCurvePostprocessor
in the input field that appears when you click to install the latest version.
Development version:2021.1.0