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RadonEye measurement tracking script (can be used to automate value gathering)


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Radon Eye Measurement script

Radon FTLab have created a detector of radon in the environment. The model RD200 has bluetooth capability and an application that communicates with it. It is possible to communicate with it with any bluetooth enabled device.

We are connecting to the following GATT service:

UUID_SERVICE = "00001523-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123"

It is possible to communicate with the device via bluetooth and the following GATT characteristic UUIDs:

UUID_CONTROL = "00001524-1212-EFDE-1523-785FEABCD123"
UUID_MEASUREMENT = "00001525-1212-EFDE-1523-785FEABCD123"

All you have to do is write 0x50 to the UUID_CONTROL service and you will get a measurement by reading GATT UUID_MEASUREMENT.

The data that is returned to UUID_MEASUREMENT is in the following format:

Offset length bytes Description Type
0x0 1 command int
0x1 1 message total length int
0x2 4 current measurement float
0x6 4 average day measurement float
0xA 4 average month measurement float
0xE 2 pulse int
0x10 2 pulse 10 min int

The command should read 0x50 (this is now the reply to the command 0x50 sent). So for example, the current measurement is a float (4 bytes). The currrent measurement is then calculated by multiplying the float reading by 37 (for Bq/m^3, which is what I have it set it).

I provide a 010 Editor Template


Example reply data :

50 10 71 3D 8A 3F 71 3D AA 3F E1 7A B4 3F 03 00 06 00

Offset Value (hex) Description Type Converted* (Bq/m^3)
0x0 50 command 80 int -
0x1 10 message total length 16 int -
0x2 71 3D 8A 3F current measurement 1.08 float 39.96
0x6 71 3D AA 3F average day measurement 1.33 float 49.21
0xA E1 7A B4 3F average month measurement 1.41 float 52.17
0xE 03 00 pulse 3 int -
0x10 06 00 pulse 10 min 6 int -

* Keep in mind the device may round down or cut decimal points.

Python Script

The script I provide makes use of the bleak and construct Python libraries. Check the requirements.txt file.

How to get started:

$ git clone
$ cd radon_eye_measurement
$ virtualenv pyenv
$ source pyenv/bin/activate
(pyenv)$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(pyenv)$ python3

Scan mode (when get_device = True, this is the default initial state of the script)

[+] Running scan
Address: Description

Open with your favourit editor and paste this value XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX into the variable address. Look for the FR:R20:SNXXX string at the end of the each line; this is the device name(address)(ini MS Windows it will have a different format) and serial number (you can match it with the one on the device). Also set get_device = False (we don't need it anymore, you might need it again if you change devices or get another one).

Example changes to to get it connecting to the RadonEye device:

def main():
    print_debug = False
    command_line = True
    get_device = False # can be True or False
    address = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" # copy the address here


RadonEye measurement tracking script (can be used to automate value gathering)







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