A better way to find and apply to jobs.
This project is migrating to JobMate.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Ruby (version 2.7.2)
- SQLite3 (download here)
- Bundler (Bundler 2 or greater)
Before running the commands listed below, make sure you're shell is currently using the correct Ruby version (e.g., which ruby
or ruby --version
should point to "ruby-2.7.2").
If you have Bundler installed, run this command to make sure it's updated:
bundle update --bundler
If you do not have Bundler installed, run the following command to install it:
gem install bundler
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/kylejb/JobMate.git
into the project directory and run bundler to install required gems:
bundle install
- Migrate Models to database and seed database*:
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
*Note: feel free to modify the db/seeds.rb
file with any test/sample data that you may need.
- Fetch latest job postings (this may take up to fifteen minutes) from
rails app:indeed_scraper
- Last, but not least... spin up server and navigate to
rails s
- SQLite3 - Database
- Ruby on Rails - Server and Web Framework
- Special thanks to @sylwiavargas for her article on web scraping