Table of Contents
A Python 3.10 Django web application with backing PostgreSQL database to serve blog articles. This is Kyle Julian's Software Engineering and Agile Winter 2022 Assignment submission.
This project is a proof of concept on how, using Python and Django, a relatively simple blogging website can be engineered. Inspired from:
The project is built using the below technologies. You will need to install them locally before developing the site.
- Python 3.10 🐍
- Docker 🐳
- VSCode 🖊
- PostgreSQL 14.2 🗃
- A docker-compose is provided to aid in initialising the database
- Pgadmin
Clone the repository
git clone
Create a python virtual environment
Open a terminal in the recently cloned repository folder
Execute the following
python -m venv env
Ensure your open terminal is activated for the python virtual environment
Install the project dependencies through
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up a PostgreSQL database
You can use the docker-compose.yaml to spin up a instance of PostgreSQL and PgAdmin
Open a terminal in this directory
Execute the following
docker compose up -d
Open a browser and navigate to
. You will land on the PgAdmin login page -
The docker-compose.yaml will have the localhost details for connecting to the database
To access the database in Pgadmin you will need to import the server, follow PgAdmin import guide here.
{ "Servers": { "1": { "Name": "Localhost", "Group": "Server Group 1", "Port": 5432, "Username": "dev_blog_user", "Host": "db", "SSLMode": "prefer", "MaintenanceDB": "dev_blog" } } }
Note, you must specify the docker-compose name for the service, in this case
You will need to specify the password manually. You can visit docker-compose.yaml for the passwords.
Now that the database server is ready, you can use the django migrate functionality to introduce the schemas necessary for the application
python migrate
Run the web server
python runserver
Below illustrates the initial database design and concept to fulfil the requirements of this project. The proposal includes two tables, namely: Articles, Users, and Comments. Articles will be home to the the Blog Articles "posts" themselves. Comments will allow authenticated users to add comments, remove, and edit comments on a Blog post.
When changing the design you can use these handy django ulities for generating, applying, and rolling back the migrations.
python .\ makemigrations
python migrate articles 0001
python .\ migrate articles zero
To load test data you can use the loaddata
command, as shown below
python .\ loaddata .\articles\seed\0001_Articles.json
If you wish to build a Docker image of the dev_blog web application application, you can use the following docker command:
docker build -t 'devblog:latest' .
To create a container of the newest image, you can do:
docker run -e ENVIRONMENT=prod -e DATABASE_URL=<database_url> -e AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING=<azure_connection_string> -e DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<django_secret_key> -p 8000:8000 devblog
Wherein, the Database URL is the locally accessible Postgresql database server. The url must conform to the standard as required by Postgresql. You can read more here.
The Azure Connection String will be the location of the Blob store where the CDN assets are stored. When running the site locally this can be the emulated storage. The emulated storage connection string will look like the following:
Below depicates a sequence diagram of the steps involved for navigating to and loading content from the dev blog. The diagram neglects to illustrate the role of Internet Service Providers, Domain Name Servers, and Internet registrars, however it simply visualises a typical workflow through the web application.
actor U as User
participant B as Browser
participant WS as Django
participant DB as PostgreSQL
participant CDN as Azure CDN
U->>+B: Navigate to dev
Note over U,B:
B->>+WS: Request web page
WS->>+DB: Request articles
DB->>-WS: Return paginated articles
WS->>-B: Generate html content
B->>+CDN: Get static resources
Note over B,CDN: Javascript, CSS, and image files
CDN->>-B: Return static resources
B->>-U: Show rendered web page