Releases: kylephillips/simple-locator
Releases · kylephillips/simple-locator
- Adds marker clustering option, with optional setting to pass in custom Google Maps Renderer object
- Fixes bug that prevented taxonomy filters from applying in location searches
- Fixes bugs that were preventing ACF map field functionality from running correctly.
- Fixes bugs that were not allowing the selection of custom lat/lng fields in the plugin settings.
- Updates form to use API, with custom endpoints added for search and all locations queries.
- Adds map pin filter, enabling customization of map pins for each location result.
- Adds option to include the user’s search location as a pin, with option to customize separately from result pins.
- Adds a results page parameter to non-ajax forms, allowing the redirection of form results to a custom page.
- Adds a hookable action to display results, allowing for custom template placement of results in non-ajax requests.
- Adds pagination with results-per-page in ajax and non-ajax forms, configurable through shortcode parameters.
- Adds form method option in shortcode, allowing for either POST or GET form submissions on non-ajax forms.
- Adds Google places API autocomplete JS options (limit autocomplete suggestions to a specific type like cities, only show in specific countries).
- Updates text domain to follow WordPress guidelines (updated to match the plugin name).
- Adds multiple hooks throughout for even more customization flexibility.
- Replaces JS callback functions with document-level JQuery events. Previous callback functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- Adds taxonomy field type option in form shortcode, enabling the use of checkbox or select elements in search forms.
- Updates core styles and loading indication.
- Updates plugin setting styles and layout.
- Adds taxonomy arguments to "all locations" shortcode. To limit by terms, include the taxonomy name with a comma separated list of term ids (ex: category="4,5").
- Adds post ids argument to "all locations" shortcode. To limit to specific ids, use a comma separated list (ex: ids="3,4").
- Adds "no locations found" argument to "all locations" shortcode.
- Adds "showlist" argument to "all locations" shortcode, which displays the list of locations underneath the map.
- JS completely rewritten for better extensibility and future enhancements.
- Adds option to import into non-public post types.
- Adds additional import options (expanded post data mapping, taxonomies, duplicate/missing record handling and more).
- Adds option to clear the search log.
- Adds option to specify a default distance in the form shortcode. Mark the default distance with an asterisk: Ex: distances="5,10,20*,50,100". (The "20" option would be selected by default).
- Adds option to show all locations by default, below the form (showall="true"). Header text is customized using the showall attribute (showall="Showing all locations"). Map centered to "default map location" if enabled in the plugin setting.
- Adds "mapheight" shortcode option to "all locations" shortcode.
- Adds pagination option for widget.
- Adds argument filter to location post type declaration.
- Updates Google Maps API requirement for new Google Maps Platform.
- Adds option to display a map in the admin listing view (post list table).
- Adds option to place built in location fields in Advanced Custom Fields tab if ACF is enabled and tabs are assigned to the post type.
- Updates included Guzzle dependency to version 6 (resolves php 7.2 error).
- Adds CSV export option to export locations to CSV files, with the ability to save and load export templates.
- Adds location quick edit in admin post_row_actions, enabling quick location edit capabilities with geocoding. Displays if using the included Simple Locator address fields.
- Adds Google geocoding API test functionality to import to determine if there are errors with the API key provided.
- Pagination added to search log.
- Search log (list & map view) added along with filters and CSV export. History save must be enabled to view the search log.
- Google now requires a valid API key for all Javascript applications.
- Fix in importer CSV upload that was preventing some csv formatted files from being uploaded
- Error handling added for missing API key on post edit screen.
- Option added to store user searches in the database
- Bug fix where post data not being reset in all locations shortcode
- Javascript Bug fix in custom map marker insertion
- Bug fix in all locations map, where custom JS options weren't being applied
- Infowindow filter applied to all locations shortcode
- Callback functions added for all locations map load and click events.
- Importer improvements: Check added for existing location based on title
- Shortcode option added to customize results wrapping element.
- Bug fix for custom results limits not saving.
- Bug fix where SQL JOIN limit being exceeded on some servers (Thanks to Jeff Dreher)
- Bug fixes in Widget display
- PHP 7 bug fixes (Thanks to Loic Froidmont)
- Option added to enable Javascript console logging for debugging/development purposes
- Compatibility tested with WordPress 4.4
- Bug fix in single location shortcode
- Bug fix where multiple instances of the same location being returned on certain hosts (thanks to Christine McDermott for bug tracking help)
- Minor admin bug fixes
- Filter added for customizing infowindow content in map results (Contributed by Scott Polhemus)
- Filter added for customizing form HTML (AJAX only)
- Filters added for customizing SQL queries
- Shortcode option added to include taxonomy filters in search form (AJAX only)
- Shortcode option added to allow empty address field (returns all results)
- French Translation (Thanks to Khelil Benosman)
- Partial Dutch Translation (Thanks to Kristof De Loof)
- Option added to enable/disable the Google Maps API from being enqueued in the admin area (separate from front end)