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This repository is my history of the development of a program for Education Week MM. I mainly tried to solve this problem based on Hill Climbing (HC) approach and Simulated Annealing (SA) approach.




Google spreadsheets

Analysis for my solution:

Pre & final results:

Score transition

  1. 806455.16 HC (with incremental update) (#6)
  2. 820439.30 SA(*) (with a sorted array as the initial solution) (#23)
  3. 822360.59 HC (with changing one element instead of swapping a pair) (#28)
  4. 822365.58 HC (the same as 3. except that used time increased 8.75s to 9.4s) (#31)
  5. 822393.73 SA (with tuned parameters and changed timer) (#37)

(*) To use SA was not important at that time (refer to #24)

Key Observations

  • Actually sorted array [0,1,...,n-1] is very good initial solution.
  • Encoding magnitude relations between pairs of position to a directed graph.
  • Encoding permutation as real numbers of 32(or anything enough)-bit integers. (#26)
    • This makes transition more flexible.
    • This increases the number of iterations beecause it's fast in terms of constant optimization.
  • Incremental update when change the value at position k with the time complexity of O(∑|Edges connected to k|).
  • Hill climbling allowing to transit with zero score improvement or Simulated annealing.

Other observations

  • You can find the best value to assign with O(∑|Edges connected to k|) log ∑|Edges connected to k|)
    • Sort current values and then use accumulated sum technique to specify the range of values you can achieve maximum increase. (#33)

How to compile main.cpp


  • -DDEBUG enables assertions and to show the outputs for LOG().

  • -DANALYSIS enables to show ANALYSIS_LOG(), which is for not fequent logging like final score.

  • -DENABLE_DIZZY_ANALYSIS enables to show DIZZY_ANALYSIS_LOG(), which is for frequent logging like current score at each time

  • -DNO_OUTPUT disables to output answer.


  • tests main.cpp with seed 1 to 100 and store the logs for each test case.
  • exec_file input_file is for testing exec_file with input_file. The log will be stored into ./log/ and ./output by default. You can change the directory by specifying LOG_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR.
  • generates input files of seed 1 to 100 to ./test_inputs/ directory.
  • generates the auto formatted code for main.cpp and save as frozen.cpp.
  • log_dir converts all raw logs in log_dir into a structured csv file.
  • is just a useful command to build a structured csv file for the recent local test.
  • log_file is a faster way to build structured csv file, but no longer used due to its low flexibility.