-s, --submissions Required. Define the submissions' path. It must contain multiple folders (for each submission).
-g, --gt Required. The Ground Truth Image Files.
-w, --weights Required. The Path of the weights' directory of the ground truth image (required for evaluation) with the same name with the GT images.
-o, --outputfile Required. Write the results to a CSV compatible file.
--detailedoutput (Default: false) Produce a detailed scored for each metric for each submission for each ground-truth image.
--perimagescore (Default: true) Calculate the final score based on image position (DIBCO Competitions) instead of position on averages (H-DIBCO 2018)
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
- Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you have installed version MRC 9.4. You may download it from from https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/matlab-runtime.html
The executable BinEvalWeights.exe generates two .dat files containing the normalized distance weights for pseudo-Recall/Precision based on paper 1.
Input: Filename of the binary ground-truth image (supported formats of OpenCV ver.1).
Output: __RWeights.dat and __PWeights.dat
Filenames of:
- GT image
- Binarized image for evaluation
- "Recall Weights" .dat file *
- "Precision Weights" .dat file *
- F-Measure
- pseudo F-Measure (Fps)*
The outputs are CSV ';' delimited. For example (see TestResources/
.\DIBCO_metrics.exe .\5_gt.bmp .\5.bmp .\5_RWeights.dat .\5_PWeights.dat
produces the following output:
F-Measure;pseudo F-Measure;PSNR;DRD
*Notice that for I.3 and I.4 a different executable program is required to generate the .dat files containing the "Recall/Precision weights". It is provided at Prerequisites/BinEvalWeights
or at http://users.iit.demokritos.gr/~kntir/TIP_exe/.**
DIBCO_metrics.exe .\5_gt.bmp .\5.bmp .\5_RWeights.dat .\5_PWeights.dat
CAUTION: When providing the .dat files, always provide the "Recall weights" .dat file first and afterwards the "Precision weights" .dat file.
K. Ntirogiannis, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, "Performance Evaluation Methodology for Historical Document Image Binarization", IEEE Trans. Image Proc., vol.22, no.2, pp. 595-609, Feb. 2013.
H.Lu, A.C. Kot and Y.Q. Shi, "Distance Reciprocal Distortion Measure for Binary Document Images", IEEE Sigal Proc. Lett., vol.11, no.2, pp. 228-231, Feb. 2004.