This is a simple Google Chrome extension to replace most the r/churning related acronyms with their meaning when navigating the churning or awardtravel subreddits. or it can be installed manually as an unpacked extension in order to make changes to it.
- Clone the project to a local folder.
- Type this on Google Chrome's address bar chrome://extensions/
- Turn on 'Developer Mode'
- Click on 'Load Unpacked Extension'
- Open up the folder on Step 1
Below are the currently supported acronyms and their meaning
- UR (Chase Ultimate Rewards)
- MR (Amex Membership Rewards)
- RR (Southwest Rapid Rewards)
- PGR (Premier Gold Rewards)
- TYP (Citi Thank You Points)
- FF/FFM (Frequent Flyer Miles)
- MS (Manufacturing Spending)
- MSR (Minimum Spending Requirement)
- DP (Data Point)
- DPs (Data Points)
- BE (Basic Economy)
- CC (Credit Card)
- CL (Credit Limit)
- CLI (Credit Limit Increase)
- CR (Credit Report)
- AF (Annual Fee)
- Recon (Reconsideration)
- DD (Direct Deposit)
- MO (Money Order)
- PC (Product Change)
- SM (Secure Message)
- GE (Global Entry)
- CPP (Cents per Point)
- CA (Cash Advance or California)
- SO (Significant Other)
- HUCA (Hang Up and Call Again)
- 5/24 (5 credit cards in 24 months)
- 2/30 (2 applications in 30 days)
- PPDG (PayPal Digital Gifts)
- FTF (Foreign Transaction Fee)
- HP (Hard Pull - Credit Check)
- SP (Soft Pull - Credit Check)
- HEB (HEB Grocery Stores)
- POS (Point of Sale terminal)
- EQ (Eqifax)
- EX (Experian)
- TU (TransUnion)
- CRA (Credit Reporting Agency)
- CRB (Credit Reporting Bureau)
- CSR (Chase Sapphire Reserve or Customer Service Rep)
- CSP (Chase Sapphire Preferred)
- CIP (Chase Ink Preferred)
- CIC (Chase Ink Cash)
- CPC (Chase Private Client)
- CF (Chase Freedom)
- CFU (Chase Freedom Unlimited)
- BCP (Amex Blue Cash Preferred)
- BCP (Amex Blue Cash Everyday)
- MPE (Mileage Plus Explorer)
- RB (Redbird Target Prepaid)
- AMEX (American Express)
- BNO (BMO Harris Bank)
- BB (American Express BlueBird Prepaid)
- MCGC (MasterCard Gift Card)
- PP (Priority Pass)
- CP (Southwest Companion Pass)
- VGC (Visa Gift Card)
- CU (Credit Union)
- IHG (Chase IHG Rewards Select)
- BBP (Amex Blue Business Plus)
- MB (Amex Mercedes Benz Platinum)
- USB (US Bank)
- GoC (Gift of College gift card)
- AA (American Airlines)
- BA (British Airways)
- SW (Southwest Airlines)
- WN (Southwest Airlines)
- DL (Delta Airlines)
- UA (United Airlines)
- F (First Class)
- J (Business Class)
- Y (Economy Class)
- YQ (Fuel Surcharge)
- RT (Round Trip)
- AS (Alaska Airlines)
- B6 (JetBlue)
- CX (Cathay Airlines)
- EI (Aer Lingus Airlines)
- EK (Emirates)
- VS (Virgin Atlantic)
- VA (Virgin Australia)
- ORD (Chicago, IL Airport)
- JFK (Queens, NY Airport)
- BNA (Nashville, TN Airport)
- IAD (Washington, D.C. Airport)
- LAX (Los Angeles, CA Airport)
- FT (Flyer Talk Forums) ;
- DoC (Doctor of Credit Blog)