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Fast solver for ordinal logistic regression with a ridge penalty


The package can be installed directly from GitHub.

if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")

Example usage

Let's begin by generating training data. The package provides toyData(), which will generate points from sequential Gaussians.


## Generate 3-D training data from three classes (2 decision boundaries), 100 points in each class
## Data for the first class will be sampled from N(0, 0.5)
## Data for the second class will be samples from N(1, 0.5)
## and so on...
## The three dimensions are assumed to be independent of each other
Tr <- toyData( 100, 3, 2, stdev=0.5 )

## Let's examine the first few entries
#             Feat1       Feat2      Feat3
#  [1,]  0.68547922  0.60048269 -1.0004646
#  [2,] -0.28234909  0.52237554  0.1668886
#  [3,]  0.18156421 -0.50160432  0.5856626
#  [4,]  0.31643130  0.92424095  1.0297696
#  [5,]  0.20213416 -0.33338670 -0.6884308
#  [6,] -0.05306226  0.05275691 -0.5754278

#  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
#  Levels: 0 < 1 < 2

The package provides a kernel implementation of ordinal regression. The kernel trick allows the method to learn non-linear decision boundaries when supplied with, e.g., a polynomial or a Gaussian kernel. When using a simple linear kernel, the method will learn linear decision boundaries in the original feature space.

## Compute the 300-by-300 linear kernel matrix on training data
K <- Tr$X %*% t(Tr$X)

## Train an ordinal regression model
mdl <- ordinalRidge(K, Tr$y, verbose=FALSE)

## The weights for the original features can be computed from the kernel weights
t(Tr$X) %*% mdl$v
#             [,1]
#  Feat1 1.0166420
#  Feat2 0.9938466
#  Feat3 1.0025878

## The decision boundaries are given by the model bias terms
# [1] -1.393522 -4.517127

New data can be classified with two simple steps: 1) Computing the kernel matrix capturing relationships between test data points and training data, and 2) using predict() function to compute scores, probabilities and predictions.

## Generate 5 new points in each class
Te <- toyData( 5, 3, 2, stdev=0.5 )

## Compute a linear kernel between training and test points
K1 <- Te$X %*% t(Tr$X)
#  [1]  15 300

## Compute predictions on the new 15 points
res <- predict(mdl, K1)
#  $score
#   [1] -0.883101093  0.007894235  0.734711848  0.147927491  0.892516226
#   [6]  3.734677963  2.171482370  2.183887040  2.685519749  3.414103877
#  [11]  4.491177062  6.182563822  7.438917673  5.283894638  4.435537524
#  $pred
#   [1] 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1
#  Levels: 0 < 1 < 2
#  $prob
#        Pr[y >= 1]  Pr[y >= 2]
#   [1,] 0.09307759 0.004495251
#   [2,] 0.20010662 0.010887066
#   [3,] 0.34100687 0.022260806
#   [4,] 0.22346362 0.012503062
#   [5,] 0.37730425 0.025967193
#   [6,] 0.91222866 0.313792243
#   [7,] 0.68524028 0.087412561
#   [8,] 0.68790963 0.088407180
#   [9,] 0.78448508 0.138046882
#  [10,] 0.88294113 0.249173829
#  [11,] 0.95679590 0.493512810
#  [12,] 0.99174823 0.840966445
#  [13,] 0.99763685 0.948913162
#  [14,] 0.97997160 0.682821194
#  [15,] 0.95443654 0.479613870

We observe that points 11 and 15 get misclassified; the true labels for both are 2, but they get misclassified as 1. Looking at the $score output, we can see that both points are very close to the decision boundary (which is defined by -mdl$b[2] or 4.517127) and happen to land on the negative side of it:

res$score[11:15] + mdl$b[2]
#  [1] -0.02595022  1.66543655  2.92179040  0.76676736 -0.08158975

This is also characterized by Pr[y >= 2] being just under 0.5 for both points. Note that even though both points are misclassified, they still receive higher score values that all points in classes 0 and 1, indicating that the model nevertheless correctly ranks all test points.