Fast solver for ordinal logistic regression with a ridge penalty
The package can be installed directly from GitHub.
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
Let's begin by generating training data. The package provides toyData()
, which will generate points from sequential Gaussians.
## Generate 3-D training data from three classes (2 decision boundaries), 100 points in each class
## Data for the first class will be sampled from N(0, 0.5)
## Data for the second class will be samples from N(1, 0.5)
## and so on...
## The three dimensions are assumed to be independent of each other
Tr <- toyData( 100, 3, 2, stdev=0.5 )
## Let's examine the first few entries
# Feat1 Feat2 Feat3
# [1,] 0.68547922 0.60048269 -1.0004646
# [2,] -0.28234909 0.52237554 0.1668886
# [3,] 0.18156421 -0.50160432 0.5856626
# [4,] 0.31643130 0.92424095 1.0297696
# [5,] 0.20213416 -0.33338670 -0.6884308
# [6,] -0.05306226 0.05275691 -0.5754278
# [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
# Levels: 0 < 1 < 2
The package provides a kernel implementation of ordinal regression. The kernel trick allows the method to learn non-linear decision boundaries when supplied with, e.g., a polynomial or a Gaussian kernel. When using a simple linear kernel, the method will learn linear decision boundaries in the original feature space.
## Compute the 300-by-300 linear kernel matrix on training data
K <- Tr$X %*% t(Tr$X)
## Train an ordinal regression model
mdl <- ordinalRidge(K, Tr$y, verbose=FALSE)
## The weights for the original features can be computed from the kernel weights
t(Tr$X) %*% mdl$v
# [,1]
# Feat1 1.0166420
# Feat2 0.9938466
# Feat3 1.0025878
## The decision boundaries are given by the model bias terms
# [1] -1.393522 -4.517127
New data can be classified with two simple steps: 1) Computing the kernel matrix capturing relationships between test data points and training data, and 2) using predict()
function to compute scores, probabilities and predictions.
## Generate 5 new points in each class
Te <- toyData( 5, 3, 2, stdev=0.5 )
## Compute a linear kernel between training and test points
K1 <- Te$X %*% t(Tr$X)
# [1] 15 300
## Compute predictions on the new 15 points
res <- predict(mdl, K1)
# $score
# [1] -0.883101093 0.007894235 0.734711848 0.147927491 0.892516226
# [6] 3.734677963 2.171482370 2.183887040 2.685519749 3.414103877
# [11] 4.491177062 6.182563822 7.438917673 5.283894638 4.435537524
# $pred
# [1] 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1
# Levels: 0 < 1 < 2
# $prob
# Pr[y >= 1] Pr[y >= 2]
# [1,] 0.09307759 0.004495251
# [2,] 0.20010662 0.010887066
# [3,] 0.34100687 0.022260806
# [4,] 0.22346362 0.012503062
# [5,] 0.37730425 0.025967193
# [6,] 0.91222866 0.313792243
# [7,] 0.68524028 0.087412561
# [8,] 0.68790963 0.088407180
# [9,] 0.78448508 0.138046882
# [10,] 0.88294113 0.249173829
# [11,] 0.95679590 0.493512810
# [12,] 0.99174823 0.840966445
# [13,] 0.99763685 0.948913162
# [14,] 0.97997160 0.682821194
# [15,] 0.95443654 0.479613870
We observe that points 11 and 15 get misclassified; the true labels for both are 2
, but they get misclassified as 1
. Looking at the $score
output, we can see that both points are very close to the decision boundary (which is defined by -mdl$b[2]
or 4.517127
) and happen to land on the negative side of it:
res$score[11:15] + mdl$b[2]
# [1] -0.02595022 1.66543655 2.92179040 0.76676736 -0.08158975
This is also characterized by Pr[y >= 2]
being just under 0.5 for both points. Note that even though both points are misclassified, they still receive higher score
values that all points in classes 0
and 1
, indicating that the model nevertheless correctly ranks all test points.