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Free-mtrix v0.2.0

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@cpicanco cpicanco released this 14 Sep 20:43


On Linux

  • Tested on Debian 8, Ubuntu 16.04.1 and Bunsen Labs Hydrogen.
  • Both apps (Runner and Designer) are portable apps and should not require any installation.
  • To extract the binaries from the *.zip file you can execute the following commands on your terminal:

On Windows 10


Free-mtrix is free software (GPL3) for scientists of fields like Behavioral Sociology and Behavioral Analysis. You can design and present social behavior experiments that uses choice-based tasks similiar to the ones created by Wiggins (1969), Vichi (2004) and Vichi, Andery & Glenn (2009). Participants can choose elements of a matrix (e.g., a row) and the scientist can determine how individual and social consequences will be presented (e.g., which messages, how many points and reasoning questions).


Vichi, C. (2004). Igualdade ou desigualdade em pequeno grupo: Um análogo experimental de manipulação de uma prática cultural. Dissertação de Mestrado. São Paulo: Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.

Vichi, C., Andery, M. A. P. A., & Glenn, S. S. (2009). A metacontingency experiment: the effects of contingent consequences on patterns of interlocking contingencies reinforcement. Behavioral and Social Issues, 18, 41-57. doi: 10.5210/bsi.v18i1.2292

Wiggins, J. A. (1969). Status differentiation, external consequences and alternative reward distributions. Em R. L Burgess e D. Bussell Jr., Behavioral Sociology (pp. 109-126). New York: Columbia University Press.