Graph Algorithms implemented so far:
Algorithm | Description | Extra Data Structures Implemented | Time Complexity |
Depth First Search | The aim of BFS algorithm is to traverse the graph as close as possible to the root node. | O(m+n) | |
Breadth First Search | The aim of BFS algorithm is to traverse the graph as close as possible to the root node. The implementation here accepts one or many starting nodes. | Queue | O(m+n) |
Dijkstra's | An Algorithm for solving the single-source shortest paths problem in a graph with non-negative weights. The implementation here accepts one or many starting nodes. | Priority Queue | O(nlogn + m) |
Kruskal's | Given a weighted undirected graph. We want to find a subtree of this graph which connects all vertices and has the least weight of all possible spanning trees. This spanning tree is called a minimum spanning tree. | Disjoint Set Union | O(mlogn) |
Bellman Ford | An Algorithm for solving the single-source shortest paths problem in a graph, accepts negative weights. It can also find one negative cycle from the starting node. | O(mn) | |
Korasaju's | An Algorithm for finding the Strongly Connected Components (SCC) of an undirected graph. | O(m + n) | |
A* Search | A graph traversal and path search informed algorithm | Priority Queue |
- n : number of nodes
- m : number of edges in the graph
- b : the branching factor (the average number of successors per state).
For more information about these algorithms you can go here !