use Web Crypto API to make simpler API for the browser
this API has the listed functions:
create new Instance
let cryptoInstance = new cryptoAPI('AES');
cryptoInstance.generateKey() //return a promise with the secret key
//use your secretKey here
cryptoInstance.exportKey() //return a promise with the key as array buffer representing the public key
//the key exported is an Array Buffer
//you can use the exported array buffer key here(to import later for example)
let cryptoInstance = new cryptoAPI('AES');
//take the array buffer representing the key
cryptoInstance.importKey(arrayBufferPublicKey) //return a promise with the key object
//use the key object to encrypt/decrypt
note that encryption with AES return an object
//take the plain text
cryptoInstance.encrypt(stringToArrayBuffer(plainText)) //return a promise with the cipher object
//use the cipher object (send for example)
console.log('cipher text is: ', cipherObject.cipherText);
console.log('iv is: ', cipherObject.iv);
note that decryption with AES need two parameters from the cipher object
//take the cipher object to decrypt a cipher text
cryptoInstance.decrypt(cipherObject.cipherText, cipherObject.iv) //return a promise with the plain text
console.log('your plain text: ', arrayBufferToString(plainText));
Because AES use initialization vector for each encryption process which make two identical messages have different cipher text output
create new Instance
let cryptoInstance = new cryptoAPI('RSA');
cryptoInstance.generateKey() //return a promise with the secret key
//use your keyPair here
cryptoInstance.exportKey() //return a promise with the public key as array buffer
//the public key exported is an Array Buffer
//you can use the exported array buffer key here(to import later for example)
let cryptoInstance = new cryptoAPI('RSA');
//take the array buffer representing the public key
cryptoInstance.importKey(arrayBufferPublicKey) //return a promise with the public key object
//use the public key object to encrypt
//take the plain text to encrypt
cryptoInstance.encrypt(stringToArrayBuffer(plainText)) //return a promise with the cipher text
//use the cipher text
console.log('cipher text is: ', cipherText);
//take the cipher text
cryptoInstance.decrypt(cipherText) //return a promise with the plain text
console.log('your plain text: ', arrayBufferToString(plainText));
this API has the listed functions:
create a new instance
let digSigInstance = new digSigAPI();
//generate key pair
digSigInstance.generateKey() //return a promise with the key pair
//use the key pair here
//take the plain text to sign
digSigInstance.sign(stringToArrayBuffer(plainText)) //return a promise with the signature
//use the signature here
//take the signature made of the plain text and the plain text itself
digSigInstance.verify(theSignature, stringToArrayBuffer(plainText))
//return a promise with a boolean value(true if succeeded/false otherwise)
//resultBoolean is either true or false
if(resultBoolean) //succeeded
else //verify failed => forge plain text maybe...
//take the array buffer represnting the public key
digSigInstance.importKey(arrayBufferPublicKey) //return a promise with the public key object
//use public key object here
digSigInstance.exportKey() //return a promise with the public key object
//use the array buffer public key