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feat: implement ssz encode/decode container (#463)
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f3r10 authored Nov 29, 2023
1 parent 22d1b70 commit 08940ab
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Showing 5 changed files with 243 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions lib/container.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
defmodule LambdaEthereumConsensus.Container do
@moduledoc """
Container for SSZ

@doc """
List of ordered {key, schema} tuples.
It specifies both the serialization order and the schema for each key in the map.
@callback schema() :: [{atom, any}]
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions lib/ssz_ex.ex
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Expand Up @@ -14,20 +14,29 @@ defmodule LambdaEthereumConsensus.SszEx do
else: encode_fixed_size_list(list, basic_type, size)

def encode(value, {:bytes, _}), do: {:ok, value}

def encode(container, module) when is_map(container),
do: encode_container(container, module.schema())

def decode(binary, :bool), do: decode_bool(binary)
def decode(binary, {:int, size}), do: decode_uint(binary, size)
def decode(value, {:bytes, _}), do: {:ok, value}

def decode(binary, {:list, basic_type, size}) do
if variable_size?(basic_type),
do: decode_variable_list(binary, basic_type, size),
else: decode_list(binary, basic_type, size)

def decode(binary, module) when is_atom(module), do: decode_container(binary, module)

### Private functions
@bytes_per_length_offset 4
@bits_per_byte 8
@offset_bits 32

defp encode_int(value, size) when is_integer(value), do: {:ok, <<value::size(size)-little>>}
defp encode_bool(true), do: {:ok, "\x01"}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +193,123 @@ defmodule LambdaEthereumConsensus.SszEx do

defp encode_container(container, schemas) do
{fixed_size_values, fixed_length, variable_values} = analyze_schemas(container, schemas)

with {:ok, variable_parts} <- encode_schemas(variable_values),
offsets = calculate_offsets(variable_parts, fixed_length),
variable_length =
Enum.reduce(variable_parts, 0, fn part, acc -> byte_size(part) + acc end),
:ok <- check_length(fixed_length, variable_length),
{:ok, fixed_parts} <-
replace_offsets(fixed_size_values, offsets)
|> encode_schemas do
(fixed_parts ++ variable_parts)
|> Enum.join()
|> then(&{:ok, &1})

defp analyze_schemas(container, schemas) do
|> Enum.reduce({[], 0, []}, fn {key, schema},
{acc_fixed_size_values, acc_fixed_length, acc_variable_values} ->
value = Map.fetch!(container, key)

if variable_size?(schema) do
{[:offset | acc_fixed_size_values], @bytes_per_length_offset + acc_fixed_length,
[{value, schema} | acc_variable_values]}
{[{value, schema} | acc_fixed_size_values], acc_fixed_length + get_fixed_size(schema),

defp encode_schemas(tuple_values) do, fn {value, schema} -> encode(value, schema) end)
|> flatten_results()

defp calculate_offsets(variable_parts, fixed_length) do
{offsets, _} =
Enum.reduce(variable_parts, {[], fixed_length}, fn element, {res, acc} ->
{[{acc, {:int, 32}} | res], byte_size(element) + acc}


defp replace_offsets(fixed_size_values, offsets) do
{fixed_size_values, _} =
Enum.reduce(fixed_size_values, {[], offsets}, &replace_offset/2)


defp replace_offset(:offset, {acc_fixed_list, [offset | rest_offsets]}),
do: {[offset | acc_fixed_list], rest_offsets}

defp replace_offset(element, {acc_fixed_list, acc_offsets_list}),
do: {[element | acc_fixed_list], acc_offsets_list}

defp decode_container(binary, module) do
schemas = module.schema()
fixed_length = get_fixed_length(schemas)
<<fixed_binary::binary-size(fixed_length), variable_binary::bitstring>> = binary

with {:ok, fixed_parts, offsets} <- decode_fixed_section(fixed_binary, schemas, fixed_length),
{:ok, variable_parts} <- decode_variable_section(variable_binary, offsets) do
{:ok, struct!(module, fixed_parts ++ variable_parts)}

defp decode_variable_section(binary, offsets) do
|> Enum.chunk_every(2, 1)
|> Enum.reduce({binary, []}, fn
[{offset, {key, schema}}, {next_offset, _}], {rest_bytes, acc_variable_parts} ->
size = next_offset - offset
<<chunk::binary-size(size), rest::bitstring>> = rest_bytes
{rest, [{key, decode(chunk, schema)} | acc_variable_parts]}

[{_offset, {key, schema}}], {rest_bytes, acc_variable_parts} ->
{<<>>, [{key, decode(rest_bytes, schema)} | acc_variable_parts]}
|> then(fn {<<>>, variable_parts} ->

defp decode_fixed_section(binary, schemas, fixed_length) do
|> Enum.reduce({binary, [], []}, fn {key, schema}, {binary, fixed_parts, offsets} ->
if variable_size?(schema) do
<<offset::integer-size(@offset_bits)-little, rest::bitstring>> = binary
{rest, fixed_parts, [{offset - fixed_length, {key, schema}} | offsets]}
ssz_fixed_len = get_fixed_size(schema)
<<chunk::binary-size(ssz_fixed_len), rest::bitstring>> = binary
{rest, [{key, decode(chunk, schema)} | fixed_parts], offsets}
|> then(fn {_rest_bytes, fixed_parts, offsets} ->
Tuple.append(flatten_container_results(fixed_parts), Enum.reverse(offsets))

defp get_fixed_length(schemas) do
|> {_key, schema} ->
if variable_size?(schema) do
|> Enum.sum()

defp sanitize_offset(offset, previous_offset, num_bytes, num_fixed_bytes) do
cond do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,6 +353,15 @@ defmodule LambdaEthereumConsensus.SszEx do

defp flatten_container_results(results) do
case Enum.group_by(results, fn {_, {type, _}} -> type end, fn {key, {_, result}} ->
{key, result}
end) do
%{error: errors} -> {:error, errors}
summary -> {:ok, Map.get(summary, :ok, [])}

defp check_length(fixed_lengths, total_byte_size) do
if fixed_lengths + total_byte_size <
2 ** (@bytes_per_length_offset * @bits_per_byte) do
Expand All @@ -238,8 +373,10 @@ defmodule LambdaEthereumConsensus.SszEx do

defp get_fixed_size(:bool), do: 1
defp get_fixed_size({:int, size}), do: div(size, @bits_per_byte)
defp get_fixed_size({:bytes, size}), do: size

defp variable_size?({:list, _, _}), do: true
defp variable_size?(:bool), do: false
defp variable_size?({:int, _}), do: false
defp variable_size?({:bytes, _}), do: false
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lib/ssz_types/beacon_chain/sync_committee.ex
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ defmodule SszTypes.SyncCommittee do
Related definitions in `native/ssz_nif/src/types/`.

@behaviour LambdaEthereumConsensus.Container

fields = [
Expand All @@ -16,4 +18,12 @@ defmodule SszTypes.SyncCommittee do
pubkeys: list(SszTypes.bls_pubkey()),
aggregate_pubkey: SszTypes.bls_pubkey()

@impl LambdaEthereumConsensus.Container
def schema do
{:pubkeys, {:list, {:bytes, 48}, 100}},
{:aggregate_pubkey, {:bytes, 48}}
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions lib/ssz_types/beacon_chain/validator.ex
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ defmodule SszTypes.Validator do
Struct definition for `Validator`.
Related definitions in `native/ssz_nif/src/types/`.
@behaviour LambdaEthereumConsensus.Container

@eth1_address_withdrawal_prefix <<0x01>>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,4 +67,18 @@ defmodule SszTypes.Validator do
has_excess_balance = balance > max_effective_balance
has_eth1_withdrawal_credential(validator) && has_max_effective_balance && has_excess_balance

@impl LambdaEthereumConsensus.Container
def schema do
{:pubkey, {:bytes, 48}},
{:withdrawal_credentials, {:bytes, 32}},
{:effective_balance, {:int, 64}},
{:slashed, :bool},
{:activation_eligibility_epoch, {:int, 64}},
{:activation_epoch, {:int, 64}},
{:exit_epoch, {:int, 64}},
{:withdrawable_epoch, {:int, 64}}
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions test/unit/ssz_ex_test.exs
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Expand Up @@ -63,4 +63,74 @@ defmodule Unit.SSZExTest do
# empty list
assert_roundtrip(<<>>, [], {:list, {:int, 32}, 6})

test "serialize and deserialize container only with fixed parts" do
validator = %SszTypes.Validator{
<<166, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54,
60, 97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11,
160, 206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235>>,
<<31, 83, 167, 245, 158, 202, 157, 114, 98, 134, 215, 52, 106, 152, 108, 188, 15, 122, 21,
35, 113, 166, 17, 202, 159, 46, 180, 113, 98, 99, 233, 2>>,
effective_balance: 2_281_329_295_298_915_107,
slashed: false,
activation_eligibility_epoch: 8_916_476_893_047_043_501,
activation_epoch: 11_765_006_084_061_081_232,
exit_epoch: 14_221_179_644_044_541_938,
withdrawable_epoch: 11_813_934_873_299_048_632

serialized =
<<166, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54, 60,
97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11, 160,
206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235, 31, 83, 167, 245, 158, 202, 157, 114, 98, 134, 215,
52, 106, 152, 108, 188, 15, 122, 21, 35, 113, 166, 17, 202, 159, 46, 180, 113, 98, 99,
233, 2, 35, 235, 251, 53, 232, 232, 168, 31, 0, 173, 53, 12, 34, 126, 176, 189, 123, 144,
46, 197, 36, 179, 178, 69, 163, 242, 127, 74, 10, 138, 199, 91, 197, 184, 216, 150, 162,
44, 135, 243, 163>>

assert_roundtrip(serialized, validator, SszTypes.Validator)

test "serialize and deserialize variable container" do
pubkey1 =
<<166, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54, 60,
97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11, 160,
206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235>>

pubkey2 =
<<180, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54, 60,
97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11, 160,
206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235>>

pubkey3 =
<<190, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54, 60,
97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11, 160,
206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235>>

pubkey4 =
<<200, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54, 60,
97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11, 160,
206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235>>

sync = %SszTypes.SyncCommittee{
pubkeys: [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3],
aggregate_pubkey: pubkey4

serialized =
<<52, 0, 0, 0, 200, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57,
245, 54, 60, 97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55,
203, 11, 160, 206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235, 166, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31,
49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54, 60, 97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150,
163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11, 160, 206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235,
180, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247, 53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54, 60,
97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72, 46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11, 160,
206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235, 190, 144, 240, 158, 185, 117, 206, 31, 49, 45, 247,
53, 183, 95, 32, 20, 57, 245, 54, 60, 97, 78, 24, 81, 227, 157, 191, 150, 163, 202, 1, 72,
46, 131, 80, 54, 55, 203, 11, 160, 206, 88, 144, 58, 231, 142, 94, 235>>

assert_roundtrip(serialized, sync, SszTypes.SyncCommittee)

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