A simple binding for knockout 2.0 to enable qtip2 tooltips via data bindings.
Just add jquery.qtip2, then knockout.tooltip.js to your project, as it relies upone the jquery qtip2 library, which in turn relies upon Jquery.
A simple example of adding a tooltip with content:
<a id="some-anchor" data-bind="tooltip: 'This is an anchor, could be a link if you wanted'" />
An example of a tooltip with content and a title:
<a id="some-anchor" data-bind="tooltip: { content: 'Some content goes here', title: 'Anchor Title' }" />
You can also use options to change element specific tooltips
<input id="some-input-element" type="text" data-bind="tooltip: { content: 'Content here', options: { hide: { event: 'unfocus' } } }" />
Finally there is some default behaviour pre-set for tooltips, which can be overridden like so, giving all tooltips the same behaviour:
ko.bindingHandlers.tooltip.defaultTooltipOptions = { hide: { event: 'unfocus' }, style: { classes: 'ui-tooltip-red' } }