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Programming in Android

landawn edited this page Jul 27, 2019 · 3 revisions

Below features are supported for Android.

The coming version Android studio is going to support Java 8 features. The Stream API provided in abacus-util mostly is consistent with the Stream API in JDK 8. It's very easy to replace with each other. The implementation of Stream API in abacus-util is pretty straight forward. In a lot of scenarios, it's even faster than the implementation in JDK 8. Besides int, long, double, other primitive types: boolean, char, byte, short, float are also supported by the Stream API in abacus-util. Additionally, a lot of methods(e.g. forEach, filter...) in N are also designed to support functional programming...Enjoying Note: I tested on Android Studio 2.1 RC. and found couple of issues: 1), Instant run is not supported. 2), slow, 3), unable to show the variable value in debug. So maybe it's better to stay with Retrolambda before new Java 8 features become stable.

  • Switch smoothly between UI and background threads by the fluent execute/callback APIs in CompletableFuture
TPExecutor.execute(() -> {
    return accountService.createAccount(signUpRequest);
}).thenRunOnUI((signUpResp, signUpError) -> {
    signInButton.setText("SIGN UP");

    if (Fu.check(signUpResp)) {
        final LoginRequest signInRequest = new LoginRequest().setAccessToken(accessToken).setLoginId(signUpRequest.getEmailAddress())

        TPExecutor.execute(() -> {
            return accountService.login(signInRequest);
        }).thenRunOnUI((signInResp, signInError) -> {
            if (Fu.check(signInResp)) {
                final Account account = signInResp.getAccount();

                final Intent intent = new Intent();
                intent.putExtra(Fu.USER_ACCESS_TOKEN, signInResp.getUserAccessToken());
                setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);
            } else {
                startActivity(new Intent(this, SignInActivity.class));

    } else {
        if (signUpResp != null) {
            if (signUpResp.getRespCode() == ResponseCode.LOGIN_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
                Fu.showToast("Email address: " + email + " has been used. Please try with another one or go to sign in page to login " +
            } else {
                Fu.showToast("Unable to create account due to", signUpResp);
        } else {
            Fu.showToast("Unable to create account due to network or system error.");