Releases: langdoc/spoken-komi-corpus-vaszolyi
Spoken Komi Corpus: Erik Vászolyi
This is the first part of a digital edition of Erik Vászolyi's Komi recordings. They have been transformed into a structure where the transcriptions can be compared to the archived audio; we hope eventually also to other archived versions. This version is preliminary, and the materials will be continually updated. Our goal is to provide a transcription that is accurate with regard to the original recording, and accessible also to the Komi community. The transcription conventions thereby closely follow the principles of Zyrian Komi orthography.
Spoken Komi Corpus: Erik Vászolyi
This is the first part of digital edition of Erik Vászolyi's Komi recordings. They are transformed into a structure where the transcriptions can be compared to the archived audio, eventually, we hope, even between different archived versions. This version is preliminary, and the materials will be continually updated. Our goal is to provide a transcription that is accurate to the original recording, and accessible also to the Komi community members. The transcription conventions thereby follow closely the principles of Zyrian Komi orthography.