A mobile-first application that allows you to add activities and tasks into a 'Bored Jar' to pull from whenever you have extra time on your hands and need help deciding how to fill that time.
As a person with extra time on my hands
I want a digital jar filled with activities or tasks
So that I can quickly pull from them when I'm bored
WHEN a user visits the web application
THEN they're promped to either sign up or log in
WHEN a user creates an account
THEN they have access to the data in their account any time they log in
WHEN a user logs in
THEN their personal 'jar' is displayed
WHEN a user has zero items in their jar
THEN an empty jar is displayed
WHEN a user has 1-24 items in their jar
THEN a crumpled up piece of paper is displayed inside the jar for each item
WHEN a user has 24+ items in their jar
THEN the jar displays as full
WHEN a user selects a duration and clicks the 'What Should I Do?' button
THEN a random item is selected from the database items with that duration
WHEN a user clicks the 'Create New Task' link or the burger icon
THEN a sidebar drawer slides in with all items in the database
WHEN a user adds an item, selects a duration, and submits the new item
THEN the item is added to the database and displayed in the list below
WHEN a user clicks the check mark next to an item
THEN the item get deleted from the database and the list below
WHEN a user clicks the 'Logout' link
THEN the user is logged out and redirected to the Sign Up form
A collaboration between Lauren Siminski, Kim Credit, Teddy Lonczak, and Benedicta Kim. This web application wouldn't run without:
If you have any questions, feel free to find me at:
- Email: laurensiminski@gmail.com
- Website: https://siminski.co
- Github: @siminski
Appreciate this code? Say thanks with a coffee:
Copyright (c) 2020 Lauren Siminski.