This is an improved version of the multicast-rtp
tool for controlling a SAT>IP server.
The original version is forked from the satip-axe project:
- It accepts command line parameters (a configuration file isn't need, but still available).
- Graceful exit (from Terminal & from scripts).
- Shutdown of the streams (it sends the TEARDOWN RTSP message when closing).
- Configurable target address (if the server accept it, for example minisatip does it).
- Improved help.
- Quiet mode for running as daemon.
- Scenario A: You want to use one SAT>IP Server at address to streaming the KIKA-HD program from 19.2E to the multicast address
Then use this command:multicast-rtp -s -d -p 10000 -u "src=1&freq=11347&pol=v&ro=0.35&msys=dvbs2&mtype=8psk&plts=on&sr=22000&fec=23&pids=0,17,18,6600,6610,6620,6630"
- Scenario B: You want to use it as the original satip-axe tool.
In this case use:
multicast-rtp -c /home/myconfig/multicast
, or directly
(default config is/etc/sysconfig/multicast
with default server127.0.0.1:554
- If your server doesn't support spoofing of the "target" address then you can only unicast to the same device where you run this tool.
- When the server doesn't support a multicast address as "unicast", then you can't use it for setting the target multicast address. The port is selectable anyway, but the stream is streamed to the multicast address assigned in the SAT>IP server.
- You can use this tool to manage from scripts any SAT>IP server if the client (receiver/renderer) accepts multicast TS inputs (or unicast when running in the same server). The streaming will be open until you stop the tool.