# Cherry
An extensible hub for home automation/Internet of Things.
## Overview
Cherry acts as a hub for your house and allows any connected component to communicate with each other. Cherry's power comes from its plugin system. Connected devices talk to each other through the firehose, a message bus provided by Cherry. Adding a new component to the system is as simple as writing a few lines of code (Node.js module or ClojureScript namespace).
As an example, a Philips Hue plugin could wait for "to:lights" messages on the firehose and flip the lights in response. A GPIO plugin could send "from:pin" messages when a button is pressed on the Raspberry Pi. Finally, another plugin could read "from:pin" messages and turns them into "to:lights" messages. Boum, lights turn on and off when a button is pressed. This is easily expressed in code:
module.exports = function (ec) {
console.log("lightswitch ready to rock");
ec.consume(function (msg) {
console.log("lightswitch received", require('util').inspect(msg));
switch (msg.from) {
case "pin":
if (msg.body === "low") {
ec.produce({to: "lights", body: {on: true}});
} else if (msg.body === "high") {
ec.produce({to: "lights", body: {on: false}});
## Using
npm install -g cherry-core
cherry path/to/config.json
## Dev
lein do cljsbuild clean, cljsbuild auto
cp config.json.sample config.json
node dist/cherry.js
## Creating a plugin
We've focused on making it really simple and easy to write a plugin for Cherry.
cf. examples
directory, or below:
mkdir cherry-logger
npm init
cat > index.js <<EOF
module.exports = function (ec) {
console.log("logging msg!");
ec.consume(function(msg) {
console.log("got", require('util').inspect(msg));
npm publish
You can configure plugins through a config.json
Consumes: "to:music" Produces: "from:music" with music info
"mopidy_url": "ws://"
Consumes: "to:lights"
"hue_host": ""
Produces: "from:chat"
"hipchat_jid": "88888_8888888@chat.hipchat.com",
"hipchat_pwd": "mypassword",
"hipchat_room": "88888_yay@conf.hipchat.com/My Username",
Produces: "from:semantic"
"witd_url": "",
"wit_token": "MY_TOKEN",
Note: requires sudo
to access pins on Raspberry Pi.
Produces: "from:pin"
"gpio_pins": {
"22": ["in", "both"]