Simplest static site HTTP server in Go, including the instructions on how to set it up, and publish the content.
With this command:
$ go build
You must have had Go language installed.
$ ssh
# mkdir /data/mysrv1
# exit
$ rsync -r --delete .
$ ssh
# cd /data/mysrv1
# cp ZoneletHTTP.service /etc/systemd/system/
# nano /etc/systemd/system/
Edit the file, specifically edit the address, as wanted:
ExecStart=/data/http-serve-1/Zonelet -addr=":49999"
Save it, and continue.
# systemctl enable ZoneletHTTP
# systemctl restart ZoneletHTTP
Make sure it is running:
# systemctl status ZoneletHTTP
# journalctl -u ZoneletHTTP
# exit
Go to a dir with your HTML pages, then:
$ rsync -r --delete .