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Home | Action Functions | Listener Functions | UI Components

UI Components

This library provides a number of custom elements with their own unique tags and attributes. Each element connects to ROS, either to provide a graphical interface for requesting an action on the connected robot, or to continuously display the latest data from a topic published by said robot.

Action Components

Note: Action components should each be assigned a unique ID using their HTML tag's data-id attribute. On top of allowing individual CSS styling of these components, these IDs are used by this library to track the state of components, such as if each component is enabled or disabled.


  • Description: A red button with the text 'cancel action' which is automatically added to the bottom-left corner of the page. When the button is clicked the most recently started action is cancelled.

  • Example:

    alt text

Note: Should you want to hide or modify the cancel button, you can access it via the global JS variable stopButton. To hide it for example you can use the following JS code:

stopButton.hidden = true;

If you then wish to place your own custom cancel button somewhere other than the default location in which this library automatically places it, you can insert it using either HTML or JavaScript.

HTML example:

<div class="cancel-button rwc-button-action-start"
style="z-index: 9999;" onmousedown="cancelCurrentAction();">
    <span>Cancel action</span>

JavaScript example:

var myCancelButton = document.createElement("div");
myCancelButton.setAttribute("class", "cancel-button rwc-button-action-start");
myCancelButton.setAttribute("style", "z-index: 9999;");
myCancelButtonSpan = document.createElement("span");
myCancelButtonSpan.innerHTML = "Cancel action";
    myCancelButton.addEventListener('touchstart', function(event){
} else {
    myCancelButton.addEventListener('click', e => {


  • Description: A button which calls an action function when clicked.
    • Example:

      alt text

      data-text="Say hello!"
      data-action-parameters="Hello everyone!">

      A button with the text 'Say hello!', which calls the rwcActionSay action function with the parameter "Hello everyone!", resulting in the robot speaking the phrase when the button is clicked.

    • Attributes:

      • data-id
        • Description: Specifies an ID to be assigned to the button's child div for CSS styling
        • Example: data-id="myActionButton"
      • data-class
        • Description: Specifies a custom class to be assigned to the button's child div for CSS styling, overriding the default styling in styles/rwc-styles.css. Custom CSS should be defined in styles/rwc-user-styles.css.
        • Example: data-class="customButtonClass"
      • data-disabled-class
        • Description: Specifies a custom class to be assigned to the button's child div when the button is disabled, for CSS styling, overriding the default styling in styles/rwc-styles.css. Custom CSS should be defined in styles/rwc-user-styles.css.
        • Example: data-disabled-class="customDisabledButtonClass"
      • data-disabled
        • Description: Set this to true to have the button load in a disabled state. Otherwise the button is enabled when loaded, by default.
        • Example: data-disabled="true"
      • data-action
        • Description: The name of the action function to be called when the button is clicked. The name should be specified in camelCase without the rwcAction prefix, as in the example.
        • Example: data-action="setPoseRelative"
      • data-action-parameters
        • Description: The parameter(s) of the action function specified by the data-action attribute. Though tag attributes are String data, numerical data, and comma seperated parameters are handled by the API before calling the action function. It should be noted that at this time the optional quaternion in the parameters of the setPose... action functions cannot be defined in this attribute.
        • Example: data-action-parameters="WayPoint20"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="1, 0, 0"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="-100"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="Hello world!"
      • data-text
        • Description: Defines the text which is displayed inside the button.
        • Example: data-text="Click me!"


  • Description: Bold and underlined text which calls an action function when clicked.
    • Example:

      alt text

      data-text="Forward 0.5m!"
      data-action-parameters="0.5, 0, 0">

      Bold and underlined text that reads: 'Forward 0.5 meters!', which calls the rwcActionSetPoseRelative action function with the parameters x: 0.5, y: 0, z: 0, resulting in the robot moving forward half a meter when the text is clicked.

    • Attributes:

      • data-id
        • Description: Specifies an ID to be assigned to the tag's child div for CSS styling
        • Example: data-id="myActionText"
      • data-class
        • Description: Specifies a custom class to be assigned to the tag's child div for CSS styling, overriding the default styling in styles/rwc-styles.css. Custom CSS should be defined in styles/rwc-user-styles.css.
        • Example: data-class="customTextClass"
      • data-disabled-class
        • Description: Specifies a custom class to be assigned to the tag's child div when the button is disabled, for CSS styling, overriding the default styling in styles/rwc-styles.css. Custom CSS should be defined in styles/rwc-user-styles.css.
        • Example: data-disabled-class="customDisabledButtonClass"
      • data-disabled
        • Description: Set this to true to have the tag load in a disabled state. Otherwise the interaction is enabled when loaded, by default.
        • Example: data-disabled="true"
      • data-action
        • Description: The name of the action function to be called when the text is clicked. The name should be specified in camelCase without the rwcAction prefix, as in the example.
        • Example: data-action="setPoseRelative"
      • data-action-parameters
        • Description: The parameter(s) of the action function specified by the data-action attribute. Though tag attributes are String data, numerical data, and comma seperated parameters are handled by the API before calling the action function. It should be noted that at this time the optional quaternion in the parameters of the setPose... action functions cannot be defined in this attribute.
        • Example: data-action-parameters="WayPoint20"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="1, 0, 0"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="-100"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="Hello world!"
      • data-text
        • Description: Defines the text which is displayed inside the tag.
        • Example: data-text="Click me!"


  • Description: An image which calls an action function when clicked.
    • Example:

      alt text

      <rwc-img-action-start src="images/lcas-logo.png"
      data-action-parameters="You have clicked the L-CAS logo!"></rwc-img-custom-action-start>

      An image which calls the rwcActionSay action function with the parameter "You have clicked the L-CAS logo!", resulting in the robot speaking the phrase when the image is clicked.

    • Attributes:

      • src
        • Description: Specifies the path of the image to be displayed.
        • Example: src="images/lcas-logo.png"
      • data-id
        • Description: Specifies an ID to be assigned to the tag for CSS styling.
        • Example: data-id="myActionImage"
      • data-class
        • Description: Specifies a custom class to be assigned to the tag for CSS styling, overriding the default styling in styles/rwc-styles.css. Custom CSS should be defined in styles/rwc-user-styles.css.
        • Example: data-class="customImageClass"
      • data-disabled-class
        • Description: Specifies a custom class to be assigned to the tag when interaction is disabled, for CSS styling, overriding the default styling in styles/rwc-styles.css. Custom CSS should be defined in styles/rwc-user-styles.css.
        • Example: data-disabled-class="customDisabledImageClass"
      • data-disabled
        • Description: Set this to true to have the image load in a disabled state. Otherwise the interaction is enabled when loaded, by default.
        • Example: data-disabled="true"
      • data-action
        • Description: The name of the action function to be called when the image is clicked. The name should be specified in camelCase without the rwcAction prefix, as in the example.
        • Example: data-action="setPoseRelative"
      • data-action-parameters
        • Description: The parameter(s) of the action function specified by the data-action attribute. Though tag attributes are String data, numerical data, and comma seperated parameters are handled by the API before calling the action function. It should be noted that at this time the optional quaternion in the parameters of the setPose... action functions cannot be defined in this attribute.
        • Example: data-action-parameters="WayPoint20"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="1, 0, 0"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="-100"
        • Example: data-action-parameters="Hello world!"

Sending custom action goals with an action component

  • To create an action component, e.g. a button, which sends a user-specified goal with a user-specified message to a user-specified action server when clicked, you must first define your own name for this custom action, as well as the name of the action server and action in rwc-config.json. Example JSON in rwc-config.json, inside actions.actionServers:
    "move_base_custom_example": {
        "actionServerName": "/move_base",
        "actionName": "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseAction"
  • Next you must define a goal message to send to your custom action server, in JSON format, and save this in a .json file somewhere within your website. Here's an example, forward-half-m.json, a move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal which moves the robot 0.5m forward from its current position:
  • Lastly, in the HTML tag of the action component which you want to use to send your custom action goal to your custom action server, you must define the following additional attributes:
    • data-action
      • Description: The name which you have given to your custom action server in rwc-config.json.
      • Example: data-action="move_base_custom_example"
    • data-goal-msg-path
      • Description: The path to the JSON file which defines the message of the goal to be sent to the action server when the action component is pressed / clicked.
      • Example: data-goal-msg-path="json-msgs/forward-half-m.json"
  • Here's an example of a full HTML tag for a button which sends a custom action goal when clicked, moving the robot forward 0.5m:
    data-text="Forward 0.5m!"

Load Page Components

Load page components are identical to action components, except that when clicked, they load a given HTML page, as opposed to sending an action goal. The major differences are:

  • Any attributes that begin with data-action will not apply.
  • The relative or full URL of the page you want to load when the button is pressed is defined with the data-href attribute.

Names of 'load page' components tags are:

  • rwc-button-load-page
  • rwc-text-load-page
  • rwc-img-load-page

Example HTML for a button which loads the page foo.html when pressed:

data-text="To foo"

Listener Components


  • Description: Text which displays the data returned by a listener function, updating continuously to reflect changes in the returned data.
    • Example:

      alt text

      Current node: <rwc-text-listener data-listener="getNode"></rwc-text-listener>

      Text that reads: 'Current node: WayPoint33', calling the getNode listener function and displaying the returned value as text after 'Current node: '.

    • Attributes:

      • data-listener
        • Description: Specifies the name of the listener function to display data from. The name should be specified in camelCase without the rwcListener prefix, as in the example.
        • Example: data-listener="getNode"
      • data-live
        • Description: If set to false then the value returned by the chosen listener function will displayed when the element is loaded, and will not be updated thereafter.
        • Example: data-live="false"

Subscribing listener components to custom topics

To create an rwc-text-listener which subscibes to a custom topic for which this library does not provide a listener function, you must first define this topic in the listeners field of rwc-config.json, specifying the topic name and topic message type, for example:

"odom_custom_example": {
    "topicName": "/odom",
    "topicMessageType": "nav_msgs/Odometry"

Then you simply have to use the name you have given this topic, e.g. odom_custom_example as the value for the data-listener attribute of your rwc-text-listener's HTML tag, and define the attribute data-field-selector: the selector for the particular part of the topic's message that you wish to display. Here's an example which displays the robot's position:

Robot position custom: <rwc-text-listener

When data-field-selector selects a single variable within a topic's message, the variable will be displayed as expected, but it should be noted that for collections of variables, these collections will be displayed in JSON format. To illustrate this, here is what the above example displays:

alt text