Spice netlist to Verilog netlist translation
Usage: perl sp2vlog.pl -s spfile [-d dfile] [-h]
-s <spfile> Spice transistor level file to be translated (required)
-d <dfiles Data file from vlog2sp.pl containing port types (defaults to basename.data)
-h prints this message
copied from the patent : US6792579B2 expired on 2021-12-02, assigned to : LSI Corp ; Bell Semiconductor LLC
limitation :
if in your spice netlist, the nodes are only numbers such as : X1 1 2 3 4 MY_SUBCK
the node will also be numbers in the verilog netlist ... it is not good !
So, first respell your nodes such as : X1 N1 N2 N3 N4 MY_SUBCKT
but, pay attention that you don't have other nodes in your netlist already called N1, N2, N3 or N4 ;)
example of dfile Data for a 2 inputs AND :
module LIB_AND2 (A, B, Z);
input A,B;
output Z;