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Training dapp nΒ°1
Training nΒ°1 for decentralized application

Training dapp nΒ°1

☝️ Poke game

dapp : A decentralized application (dApp) is a type of distributed open source software application that runs on a peer-to-peer (P2P) blockchain network rather than on a single computer. DApps are visibly similar to other software applications that are supported on a website or mobile device but are P2P supported

We are creating a poke game on smart contract. You will learn :

  • create a Tezos project with taqueria
  • create a smart contract in jsligo
  • deploy the smart contract to a local testnet and a real testnet
  • create a dapp using taquito library and interact with a Tezos browser wallet
  • use an indexer

⚠️ This is not an HTML or REACT training, I will avoid as much of possible any complexity relative to these technologies

The game consists on poking the owner of a smart contract. The smartcontract keeps a track of user interactions and stores this trace.

Poke sequence diagram

  Note left of User: Prepare poke
  User->>SM: poke owner
  Note right of SM: store poke trace 

πŸ“ Prerequisites

Please install this software first on your machine or use online alternative :

⚠️ 🐳 About Taqueria : taqueria is using software images from Docker to run Ligo, etc ... Docker should be running on your machine πŸ‹

πŸ“œ Smart contract

Step 1 : Create folder & file

Note : We will use CLI here but you can also use GUI from the IDE or Taqueria plugin

taq init training1
cd training1
taq install @taqueria/plugin-ligo
taq create contract pokeGame.jsligo

Step 2 : Edit pokeGame.jsligo

Remove the default code and paste this code instead

type storage = unit;

type parameter =
| ["Poke"];

type return_ = [list<operation>, storage];

const main = ([action, store] : [parameter, storage]) : return_ => {
    return match (action, {
        Poke: () => poke(store)

Every contract requires to respect this convention :

  • an entrypoint, main by default, with a mandatory signature taking 2 parameters and a return :
    • parameter : the contract parameter
    • storage : the on-chain storage (can be any type, here unit by default)
    • return_ : a list of operation and a storage

Doc :

Pattern matching is an important feature in Ligo. We need a switch on the entrypoint function to manage different actions. We use match to evaluate the parameter and call the appropriate poke function


match (action, {
        Poke: () => poke(store)

Poke is a parameter from variant type. It is a bit equivalent of Enum type in javascript

type parameter =
| ["Poke"];


Step 3 : Write the poke function

We want to store every caller address poking the contract. Let's redefine storage, and then add the caller to the set of poke guys

At line 1, replace :

type storage = set<address>;

Before main function, add :

const poke = (store : storage) : return_ => {
    return [  list([]) as list<operation>, Set.add(Tezos.get_source(), store)]; 

Set library has specific usage :


Here, we get the caller address using Tezos.get_source(). Tezos library provides useful function for manipulating blockchain objects


Step 4 : Try to poke

The LIGO command-line interpreter provides sub-commands to directly test your LIGO code

Doc :

Compile contract (to check any error, and prepare the michelson outputfile to deploy later) :

taq compile pokeGame.jsligo

Taqueria is creating the Michelson file output on artifacts folder

Compile an initial storage with taqueria. Your file should have this pattern <MY_SOURCE_CODE>.storages.*ligo

taq create contract pokeGame.storages.jsligo

Replace current code by

#include "pokeGame.jsligo"
const default_storage = Set.empty as set<address>;

Compile all now

taq compile pokeGame.jsligo

It compiles both source code and storage now. (You can also pass an argument -e to change the environment target for your storage initialization)

Let's simulate the Poke call using taq simulate
We will pass the contract parameter Poke() and the initial on-chain storage with an empty set

taq install @taqueria/plugin-tezos-client
taq create contract pokeGame.parameters.jsligo

Edit the file

#include "pokeGame.jsligo"
const default_parameter = Poke();

Run simulation now

taq compile pokeGame.jsligo
taq simulate --param  

Output should give :

β”‚ Contract    β”‚ Result                                       β”‚
β”‚ β”‚ storage                                      β”‚
β”‚             β”‚   { "KT1BEqzn5Wx8uJrZNvuS9DVHmLvG9td3fDLi" } β”‚
β”‚             β”‚ emitted operations                           β”‚
β”‚             β”‚                                              β”‚
β”‚             β”‚ big_map diff                                 β”‚
β”‚             β”‚                                              β”‚
β”‚             β”‚                                              β”‚

You can notice that the instruction will store the address of the caller into the traces storage

Step 5 : Configure your wallet to get free Tez

Local testnet wallet

Flextesa local testnet includes already some accounts with XTZ (alice,bob,...), so you don't really need to configure something

Ghostnet testnet wallet

⚠️ Taqueria will require an account (mainly to deploy your contract), the first time you will try to deploy a contract it will generate a new implicit account you will have to fill with XTZ

Force Taqueria to generate this account

taq install @taqueria/plugin-taquito
taq deploy -e "testing" 

You should get this kind of log

Warning: the faucet field in network configs has been deprecated and will be ignored
A keypair with public key hash tz3fcNNiZoPXDpyCoaZ5Tm7RUzBGbFVQzAQ2 was generated for you.
To fund this account:
1. Go to and click "Faucet" of the target testnet
2. Copy and paste the above key into the 'wallet address field
3. Request some Tez (Note that you might need to wait for a few seconds for the network to register the funds)

Configure Temple

Open your Temple browser extension or on your mobile phone. Do the initial setup. Once you are done, go to Settings (click on the avatar icon, or display Temple in full page) and click on Import account > Private key tab

Copy the private key from the .taq/config.json file at this path network/ghostnet/accounts/taqRootAccount/privateKey to Temple text input

Send free XTZ to your account

Go to a web faucet like Marigold faucet here. Connect with your wallet on Ghostnet and ask for free XTZ

Now you have πŸ’° !!!

Step 6 : Deploy to Ghostnet testnet

Retry to deploy to testing env

taq deploy -e "testing" 

HOORAY 🎊 your smart contract is ready on the Ghostnet !

β”‚ Contract    β”‚ Address                              β”‚ Alias    β”‚ Destination β”‚
β”‚ β”‚ KT1JxtDY4vRjnjqRN46k29VgRB7fe1xctGzp β”‚ pokeGame β”‚ ghostnet    β”‚

Step 7 : (Optional) deploy locally with flextesa

You can deploy locally Tezos on your local machine, but we require to use later an indexer (this service exists already on Jakartanet). For your knowledge, below the step to deploy locally. Also you can change some parameter to point to another protocol version

taq install @taqueria/plugin-flextesa

# it takes some minutes the first time
taq start sandbox local

#list users
taq list accounts local

Deploy the contract on development environment

You need to install taquito plugin first to originate the contract

taq install @taqueria/plugin-taquito

taq deploy -e "development" 

πŸ‘· Dapp

Step 1 : Create react app

yarn create react-app app --template typescript

cd app

Add taquito, tzkt indexer lib

yarn add @taquito/taquito @taquito/beacon-wallet @airgap/beacon-sdk 
yarn add -D @airgap/beacon-types
yarn add @dipdup/tzkt-api

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Last React version uses react-script 5.x , follow these steps to rewire webpack for all encountered missing libraries :

For example, in my case, I installed this :

yarn add --dev react-app-rewired process crypto-browserify stream-browserify assert stream-http https-browserify os-browserify url path-browserify

and my config-overrides.js file was :

const webpack = require('webpack');

module.exports = function override(config) {
   const fallback = config.resolve.fallback || {};
   Object.assign(fallback, {
       "crypto": require.resolve("crypto-browserify"),
       "stream": require.resolve("stream-browserify"),
       "assert": require.resolve("assert"),
       "http": require.resolve("stream-http"),
       "https": require.resolve("https-browserify"),
       "os": require.resolve("os-browserify"),
       "url": require.resolve("url"),
       "path": require.resolve("path-browserify") 
   config.ignoreWarnings = [/Failed to parse source map/];
   config.resolve.fallback = fallback;
   config.plugins = (config.plugins || []).concat([
       new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
           process: 'process/browser',
           Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer']
   return config;

then I change the script in package.json by

"scripts": {
   "start": "react-app-rewired start",
   "build": "react-app-rewired build",
   "test": "react-app-rewired test",
   "eject": "react-scripts eject"


This was painful :/, but it was the worst so far

Generate Typescript classes from Michelson code

Taqueria is able to generate Typescript classes for our React application. It will take the definition of your smart contract and generate the contract entrypoint functions, type definitions, etc ...

To get typescript classes from taqueria plugin, get back to root folder running :

cd ..

taq install @taqueria/plugin-contract-types

taq generate types ./app/src

cd ./app

Start the dev server

yarn run start

Open your browser at : http://localhost:3000/ Your app should be running

Step 2 : Connect / disconnect the wallet

We will declare 2 React Button components and a display of address and balance while connected

Edit src/App.tsx file

import { NetworkType } from "@airgap/beacon-types";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { BeaconWallet } from "@taquito/beacon-wallet";
import './App.css';
import ConnectButton from './ConnectWallet';
import { TezosToolkit } from '@taquito/taquito';
import DisconnectButton from './DisconnectWallet';

function App() {

  const [Tezos, setTezos] = useState<TezosToolkit>(new TezosToolkit(""));
    const [wallet, setWallet] = useState<BeaconWallet>(
    new BeaconWallet({
      name: "Training",
      preferredNetwork: NetworkType.GHOSTNET,

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [wallet]);

  const [userAddress, setUserAddress] = useState<string>("");
  const [userBalance, setUserBalance] = useState<number>(0);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <header className="App-header">

        I am {userAddress} with {userBalance} mutez


export default App;

Let's create the 2 missing src component files and put code in it. On src folder, create these files.

touch ConnectWallet.tsx
touch DisconnectWallet.tsx

ConnectWallet button will create an instance wallet, get user permissions via a popup and then retrieve account information

Edit ConnectWallet.tsx

import { NetworkType } from "@airgap/beacon-sdk";
import { BeaconWallet } from "@taquito/beacon-wallet";
import { TezosToolkit } from "@taquito/taquito";
import { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from "react";

type ButtonProps = {
  Tezos: TezosToolkit;
  setUserAddress: Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>>;
  setUserBalance: Dispatch<SetStateAction<number>>;
  wallet: BeaconWallet;

const ConnectButton = ({
}: ButtonProps): JSX.Element => {
  const connectWallet = async (): Promise<void> => {
    try {
      await wallet.requestPermissions({
        network: {
          type: NetworkType.GHOSTNET,
          rpcUrl: "",
      // gets user's address
      const userAddress = await wallet.getPKH();
      const balance = await;
    } catch (error) {

  return (
    <div className="buttons">
      <button className="button" onClick={connectWallet}>
          <i className="fas fa-wallet"></i>&nbsp; Connect with wallet

export default ConnectButton;

DisconnectWallet button will clean wallet instance and all linked objects

import { BeaconWallet } from "@taquito/beacon-wallet";
import { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from "react";

interface ButtonProps {
  wallet: BeaconWallet;
  setUserAddress: Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>>;
  setUserBalance: Dispatch<SetStateAction<number>>;

const DisconnectButton = ({
}: ButtonProps): JSX.Element => {
  const disconnectWallet = async (): Promise<void> => {
    console.log("disconnecting wallet");
    await wallet.clearActiveAccount();

  return (
    <div className="buttons">
      <button className="button" onClick={disconnectWallet}>
        <i className="fas fa-times"></i>&nbsp; Disconnect wallet

export default DisconnectButton;

Save both file, the dev server should refresh the page

As Temple is configured well, Click on Connect button

On the popup, select your Temple wallet, then your account and connect. ⚠️ Do not forget to stay on the "ghostnet" testnet

🎊 your are "logged"

Click on the Disconnect button to logout to test it

Step 3 : List poke contracts via an indexer

Remember that you deployed your contract previously. Instead of querying heavily the rpc node to search where is located your contract and get back some information about it, we can use an indexer. We can consider it as an enriched cache API on top of rpc node. In this example, we will use the tzkt indexer

Add the library

yarn add @dipdup/tzkt-api dotenv

Install jq

On package.json, change the start script line, prefixing with jq command to create an new env var pointing to your last smart contract address on testing env :

    "start": "jq -r '\"REACT_APP_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=\" + last(.tasks[]).output[0].address' ../.taq/testing-state.json > .env && react-app-rewired start",

You are pointing now to the last contract deployed on Ghostnet by taqueria

We will add a button to fetch all similar contracts to the one you deployed, then we display the list

Now, edit App.tsx to add 1 import on top of the file

import { Contract, ContractsService } from '@dipdup/tzkt-api';

Before the return , add this section for the fetch

  const contractsService = new ContractsService( {baseUrl: "" , version : "", withCredentials : false});
  const [contracts, setContracts] = useState<Array<Contract>>([]);

  const fetchContracts = () => {
    (async () => {
     setContracts((await contractsService.getSimilar({address: process.env["REACT_APP_CONTRACT_ADDRESS"]!, includeStorage:true, sort:{desc:"id"}})));

On the return 'html templating' section, add this after the display of the user balance div I am {userAddress} with {userBalance} mutez, add this :

<br />
    <button onClick={fetchContracts}>Fetch contracts</button>
    { => <div>{contract.address}</div>)}

Save your file, and re-run your server , it will generate the .env file containing the last deployed contracts :)

yarn run start

Go to the browser. click on Fetch contracts button

🎊 Congrats ! you are able to list all similar deployed contracts

Step 4 : Poke your contract

Add this new function inside the App function, it will call the entrypoint to poke

import { PokeGameWalletType } from './pokeGame.types';


  const poke = async (contract : Contract) => {   
    let c : PokeGameWalletType = await<PokeGameWalletType>(""+contract.address);
    try {
      const op = await c.methods.default().send();
      await op.confirmation();
      alert("Tx done");
    } catch (error : any) {
      console.table(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`);

⚠️ Normally we should call c.methods.poke() function , but with a unique entrypoint, Michelson is required a unique default name instead of having the name of the function. Also be careful because all entrypoints naming are converting to lowercase whatever variant variable name you can have on source file.

Then replace the line displaying the contract address { => <div>{contract.address}</div>)} by this one that will add a Poke button

    { => <div>{contract.address} <button onClick={() =>poke(contract)}>Poke</button></div>)}

There is a Taqueria bug on unique entrypoint: TezosTaqueria/taqueria#1128 Go to ./app/src/pokeGame.types.ts and rewrite these lines

type Methods = {
    default : () => Promise<void>;

type MethodsObject = {
    default : () => Promise<void>;

Save and see the page refreshed, then click on Poke button

🎊 If you have enough Tz on your wallet for the gas, then it should have successfully call the contract and added you to the list of poke guyz

Step 5 : Display poke guys

To verify that on the page, we can display the list of poke guyz directly on the page

Replace again the html contracts line by this one

    { => <tr><td style={{borderStyle: "dotted"}}>{contract.address}</td><td style={{borderStyle: "dotted"}}>{", ")}</td><td style={{borderStyle: "dotted"}}><button onClick={() =>poke(contract)}>Poke</button></td></tr>)}

Contracts are displaying its people now

ℹ️ Wait around few second for blockchain confirmation and click on fetch contracts to refresh the list

🎊 Congratulation, you have completed this first dapp training

🌴 Conclusion 🌞

Now, you are able to create any Smart Contract using Ligo and create a complete Dapp via Taqueria/Taquito.

On next training, you will learn how to call a Smart contract inside a Smart Contract and use the callback, write unit test, etc ...



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