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A terraform configuration to create an AWS EKS cluster that can be connected to your group clusters and then used across projects to use Auto DevOps feature.

This module under the hood uses this awesome AWS EKS module by CloudPosse ☁️ and many others modules which make it possible this project ❤️.


Manage the Kubernetes cluster and its dependencies can be hard, then when you is already familiar with main features provided by Gitlab and its integration with AWS EKS and Google Kubernetes Engine, Auto DevOps feature, using Gitlab UI you will want to manage its dependices such NGinx Ingress Controller, CertManager, Gitlab Runner, etc through GitOps with tools that you love and use on daily-basis, such Helm and helmfile and use custom values and settings that fit to your needs.

Think about this project as a collection of the services you would need to deploy on top of your Kubernetes cluster to enable logging, monitoring, certificate management, automatic discovery of Kubernetes resources via public DNS servers and other common infrastructure needs.

Assumed that you will use the separated terraform configuration for environments (e.g. staging, production). This module was designed to use within staging environment. In order to use for production environment you should clone this repo and rename to production.your_domain, change a few terraform variables and push changes to a remote origin.

The module supports the following:

  • Setup developer-friendly environment to deploy Kubernetes from Gitlab CI and connect to Gitlab group
  • Configure a terraform state storage (DigitalOcean Spaces) for infrastructure resources
  • Deploy a Kubernetes in DigitalOcean by using DOKS (optional, can be used any Kubernetes provider)
  • Provision Kubernetes with addons: Kong Ingress Contoller, Cert-Manager, ExternalDNS
  • Setup a Kubernetes Node Group to deploy Elastic Stack (ElasticAPM, Elasticsearch, Filebeat) (supported only by DOKS)
  • Setup Rancher by using LetsEncrypt HTTP-01 challenge as a provisioner for certificates (for public infrastucture)
  • Setup oauth2-proxy to provide authentication for Kubernetes Ingress resources such as Grafana, Prometheus, etc by using Gitlab application
  • Setup Kubernetes Docker Registry Secrets into CI/CD env variables for Gitlab's Auto Deploy Job

Cold start

You should do the manual steps that are described below before to run CI pipeline.


Local development

AWS AMI image with preconfigured tools (build using Packer)

It suits totally when you are going to cook Kubernetes on AWS cloud. See the commands below to build your own AMI image.

Currently supports build image in eu-central-1 region.

set -a && source .env.exmaple && set +a
packer build packer.json

Then run an instance using the image that you have just built, clone this repo and start building your infrastructure.

DNS requirements

In addition to the requirements listed above, a domain name is also required for setting up Ingress endpoints to services running in the cluster. The specified domain name can be a top-level domain (TLD) or a subdomain. In either case, you have to manually set up the NS records for the specified TLD or subdomain so as to delegate DNS resolution queries to an Amazon Route 53 hosted zone. This is required in order to generate valid TLS certificates.


  • clone this repo to your development machine then create a gitlab repo that fits to your domain name and environment
  • create .env from .env.example and fill TF_VAR_root_gitlab_project with the project id from the previous step
  • create a gitlab token that will be used to connect an AWS EKS cluster to your project and fill GITLAB_TOKEN variable in .env file (you can add this variable in another way)
  • may you need to add GITLAB_BASE_URL and other variables to setup properly Gitlab Terraform Provider
  • add AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, KUBE_INGRESS_BASE_DOMAIN and GITLAB_TOKEN to Gitlab CI environment variables, then mark them as protected and masked

Installation and setup

Step 1: Setup terraform backend

1.1. Change ./eu-central-1.tfvars according to your requirements, at least, change namespace and stage variables to your own.

cd ./terraform/aws-eks
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file ./eu-central-1.tfvars -target=module.terraform_state_backend


Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


terraform_backend_config = terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.12.2"

  backend "s3" {
    region         = "eu-central-1"
    bucket         = "lazyorange-staging-terraform-state"
    key            = "terraform.tfstate"
    dynamodb_table = "lazyorange-staging-terraform-state-lock"
    profile        = ""
    role_arn       = ""
    encrypt        = "true"

1.2. Add the terraform backend config to

terraform output terraform_backend_config >>

1.3. Re-run terraform init to copy existing state to the remote backend.

terraform init

Commit changes to repo and push to remote origin.

Step 2: Setup AWS Route53

To make possible use NGinx Ingress Controller or another Ingress Controller you should create a hosted zone in AWS Route53, also required by Gitlab to use Auto DevOps feature.


Ingress stack

  • Kong Ingress Contoller: A Controller to satisfy requests for Ingress objects
  • CertManager: A Kubernetes add-on to automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various sources
  • External DNS

Gitlab Runner

In order to install Gitlab Runner from the helm chart you can add GITLAB_RUNNER_INSTALLED environment variable to Gitlab CI/CD variables (should be set to true) or add on top of your .gitlab-ci.yml

By default Gitlab Runner will be started on privileged mode to be able use Docker in Docker feature to build Docker images with CPU and RAM limits.

Gitlab Runner Manager will place pods in nodes with the following node affinity condition:

    - matchExpressions:
      - key: purpose
        operator: NotIn
        - gitlab-runner


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