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Robert J. Brunner edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the info490-sp16 FAQ page!

Hi Everyone,

In an attempt to keep students from asking the same questions, and to provide an opportunity for bonus points, this FAQ wiki was added. PLEASE NOTE: Before you submit an FAQ, please scroll down to the Pull Request header to make sure that your question is not better served being a pull request.

An example of something worthy of an FAQ entry would be: A student makes a nice page showing the Windows installation of the docker-machine.

If you would like to suggest a question, or post a page for the FAQ wiki, the procedure (as it currently stands) to do this is as follows:

  1. Post your question and answer on a NEW PAGE on the Wiki, making sure that the title is descriptive so that other students may find your question and answer easily. Note that questions can (and in some cases will) be Operating System dependent (i.e., Mac or Windows).

  2. When you have finished, email Samantha ( with the header of your new Wiki page.

  3. Samantha (and possibly Dr. Brunner) will review your FAQ page if it is accurate, complete, and unique enough to receive 5 bonus points. If the post is inappropriate, or if the topic has already been covered before, we reserve the right to delete your Wiki page and no bonus points will be awarded. If the post is inappropriate, you might also be subject to a point deduction.

If you have any questions about this, please ask either Dr. Brunner or Samantha.

Please note!

Pull Requests

If you find yourself asking questions like these:

I found a typo in one of the lessons/notebooks/assignments. Can you fix it, please?

You are wrong! 1 + 1 is 2 not 3 as you say in one of the lessons/notebooks/assignments.

One of the code cells in XXXXX.ipynb does not work/does not produce the same output. I know how to fix it. You can fix it by doing XXXXX.

Please consider sending a pull request rather than contacting the instructional staff. If you don't know how to submit a pull request, we've written a guide on how to do a pull request.