PICSimLab 0.8.7
The experimental version has initial (incomplete) support to other microcontrollers using picsim, simavr, qemu-stm32, uCsim and gpsim as backend simulator and some new boards.
The PICSimLab_NOGUI version is to be used on a terminal and must be used with the remote control interface.
v0.8.7 (2021-04-22)
All pictures converted to SVG. [lcgamboa]
Initial support to Franzininho DIY board with attiny85. [lcgamboa]
Resize board to display size when board size is bigger than display. [lcgamboa]
Support to scroll ans scale spare parts window with mouse. [lcgamboa]
Added a status bar int the Spare parts window to show alias, scale and offset. [lcgamboa]
Adding PQDB board to the project. [Rodrigo Almeida]
Support to use SVG instead PNG for boards and part pictures. [lcgamboa]
Oscilloscope channel info on screen added. [lcgamboa]
Spare part window menu "add" split in "Inputs", "Outputs","Others" and "Virtual" [lcgamboa]
Part Ultrasonic HC-SR04 added. [lcgamboa]
Menu entry to download MPLABX debugger plugin. [lcgamboa]
Command "pins" to show pins status and dir in control interface. [lcgamboa]
- Docs moved to picsimlab_docs repo. [lcgamboa]
Missing +5V on atemga2560 and attiny85 added. [lcgamboa]
Support to use windows serial ports above COM9. [lcgamboa]
Arduino IDE bootloaders reset to programm bug fixed. [lcgamboa]
No value on pins on debug stepping bug removed. [lcgamboa]