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Factorized efficiency from energy smearer.
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Added di-photon smearers with systematics in StatAnalysis.
Moved vertex reweghing to di-photon smearer.
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musella committed Jun 1, 2011
1 parent b4d64c0 commit 041c0b5
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Showing 14 changed files with 621 additions and 117 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,3 +7,11 @@ BaseSmearer::~BaseSmearer()

bool operator == (BaseSmearer * a, const std::string & b) { return a->name() == b; };



bool operator == (BaseDiPhotonSmearer * a, const std::string & b) { return a->name() == b; };
26 changes: 25 additions & 1 deletion BaseSmearer.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,10 +31,34 @@ class BaseSmearer

// ! return smeared photon informations
virtual bool smearPhoton( PhotonReducedInfo & pho, float & weight, float syst_shift=0. ) const = 0;

/// virtual bool smearDiPhoton( TLorentzVector & 4p, const TVector3 & selVtx, const TVector3 & trueVtx);

// ! Used to search analyzers by name
bool operator == (BaseSmearer * a, const std::string & b);

class BaseDiPhotonSmearer
// ! C-TOR

// ! D-TOR
virtual ~BaseDiPhotonSmearer();

// ! the class name
virtual const std::string & name() const = 0;

// !
operator const std::string & () const { return this->name(); };

virtual bool smearDiPhoton( TLorentzVector & p4, TVector3 & selVtx, float & weight, const int & category,
const int & genMassPoint, const TVector3 & trueVtx, float syst_shift=0.) const = 0 ;

// ! Used to search analyzers by name
bool operator == (BaseDiPhotonSmearer * a, const std::string & b);

128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#include "DiPhoEfficiencySmearer.h"
#include "PhotonReducedInfo.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include <assert.h>

DiPhoEfficiencySmearer::DiPhoEfficiencySmearer(const diPhoEfficiencySmearingParameters& par) : myParameters_(par)
rgen_ = new TRandom3(0);
name_="DiPhoEfficiencySmearer_"+ par.categoryType + "_" + par.parameterSetName;


delete rgen_;

bool DiPhoEfficiencySmearer::smearDiPhoton( TLorentzVector & p4, TVector3 & selVtx, float & weight, const int & category,
const int & genMassPoint, const TVector3 & trueVtx, float syst_shift) const
std::string cat=Form("cat%d", category);

if (cat == "")
std::cout << "No category has been found associated with this diphoton. Giving Up" << std::endl;
return false;

/////////////////////// changing weigh of photon according to efficiencies ///////////////////////////////////////////
assert( ! smearing_eff_graph_.empty() );
if( doVtxEff_ ) {
cat += (selVtx - trueVtx).Mag() > 1. ? "_pass" : "_fail";

weight = getWeight( p4.Pt(), cat, syst_shift );

return true;

bool DiPhoEfficiencySmearer::init()

// if map is not empty, yuo're initilized and happy..
if( !smearing_eff_graph_.empty() ){
std:cout << "initialization of efficiencies already done; proceed with usage. " << std::endl;
return true;
if( doVtxEff_ ) { passFailWeights_ = true; }

//otherwise, get smearing functions from file and set up map
std::cout << "\n>>>initializing one efficiency for photon re-weighting; " << std::endl;

// do basic sanity checks first
if( effName_.empty()){
std::cout << "you're initialzinfg reweighting for efficiency but effName_ is empty" << std::endl; assert(false); }
if( myParameters_.efficiency_file.empty()){
std::cout << "you're initialzinfg reweighting for efficiency: " << effName_ << " but input file with TGraphErrors is not specified; doing nothing. " << std::endl; assert(false); }

theDiPhoEfficiencyFile_ = new TFile(myParameters_.efficiency_file.c_str());

// initialize formulas for the di-photon categories;
for( int ii=0; ii<myParameters_.n_categories; ++ii ) {
std::string cat = Form("cat%d", ii);
if( passFailWeights_ ) {
smearing_eff_graph_[cat+"_pass"]=(TGraphAsymmErrors*) theDiPhoEfficiencyFile_->Get((effName_+"_"+cat+"_pass").c_str())->Clone();
smearing_eff_graph_[cat+"_fail"]=(TGraphAsymmErrors*) theDiPhoEfficiencyFile_->Get((effName_+"_"+cat+"_fail").c_str())->Clone();
std::cerr << "DiPhoEfficiencySmearerc " << cat+"_pass" << std::endl;
} else {
smearing_eff_graph_[cat]=(TGraphAsymmErrors*) theDiPhoEfficiencyFile_->Get((effName_+"_"+cat).c_str())->Clone();

delete theDiPhoEfficiencyFile_;
return true;


double DiPhoEfficiencySmearer::getWeight(double pt, std::string theCategory, float syst_shift) const
std::map<std::string,TGraphAsymmErrors*>::const_iterator theIter = smearing_eff_graph_.find(theCategory);
if( theIter != smearing_eff_graph_.end() ) {

// determine the pair of bins between which you interpolate
int numPoints = ( theIter->second )->GetN();
double x, y;
int myBin = -1;
for (int bin=0; bin<numPoints; bin++ ){
( theIter->second )->GetPoint(bin, x, y);
if(pt > x) {
myBin = bin; }
else break;
int binLow, binHigh;
if(myBin == -1) {binHigh = 0; binLow=0;}
else if (myBin == (numPoints-1)) {binHigh = numPoints-1; binLow=numPoints-1;}
else {binLow=myBin; binHigh=myBin+1;}

// get hold of efficiency ratio and error at either points
// low-high refer to the points ; up-down refers to the errors
double xLow, yLow; double xHigh, yHigh;
( theIter->second )->GetPoint(binLow, xLow, yLow);
( theIter->second )->GetPoint(binHigh, xHigh, yHigh);

double errLowYup = ( theIter->second )->GetErrorYhigh(binLow);
double errLowYdown = ( theIter->second )->GetErrorYlow(binLow);
double errHighYup = ( theIter->second )->GetErrorYhigh(binHigh);
double errHighYdown = ( theIter->second )->GetErrorYlow(binHigh);

double theErrorLow, theErrorHigh;
if(syst_shift>0) {theErrorLow = errLowYup; theErrorHigh = errHighYup;}
else {theErrorLow = errLowYdown; theErrorHigh = errHighYdown;}

double theWeight, theError;
theWeight = yLow + (yHigh-yLow) / (xHigh-xLow) * (pt-xLow);
theError = theErrorLow + (theErrorHigh-theErrorLow) / (xHigh-xLow) * (pt-xLow);

return ( theWeight + (theError*syst_shift));
else {
std::cout << "category asked: " << theCategory << " was not found - which is a problem. Returning weight 1. " << std::endl;
return 1.;

72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions DiPhoEfficiencySmearer.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@

#include "BaseSmearer.h"
#include "EfficiencySmearer.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"

class PhotonReducedInfo;
class TRandom3;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DiPhoEfficiencySmearer : public BaseDiPhotonSmearer

struct diPhoEfficiencySmearingParameters
int n_categories;
std::string categoryType;
std::string parameterSetName;

typedef std::map<std::string,float> parameterMap;
typedef std::map<std::string,float>::iterator parameterMapIt;
typedef std::map<std::string,float>::const_iterator parameterMapConstIt;

// Scale offset and smearing error should be espressed as a relative value
// Example: scale_offset["EB"]=1.002 , smearing_sigma["EB"]=0.01

std::map<std::string,float> scale_offset;
std::map<std::string,float> scale_offset_error;

std::map<std::string,float> smearing_sigma;
std::map<std::string,float> smearing_sigma_error;

std::string efficiency_file;

DiPhoEfficiencySmearer(const diPhoEfficiencySmearingParameters& par) ;
virtual ~DiPhoEfficiencySmearer();

virtual const std::string & name() const { return name_; };

virtual bool smearDiPhoton( TLorentzVector & p4, TVector3 & selVtx, float & weight, const int & category, const int & genMassPoint,
const TVector3 & trueVtx, float syst_shift) const ;

void name(const std::string & x) { name_ = x; };

void setEffName(const std::string & x) { effName_ =x; };

bool init();
void passFailWeights(bool x) { passFailWeights_ = x; };
void doVtxEff(bool x) { doVtxEff_ = x; };

diPhoEfficiencySmearingParameters myParameters_;


double getWeight(double pt, std::string theCategory, float syst_shift) const;

bool passFailWeights_, doVtxEff_;

std::string name_;
TRandom3 *rgen_;
std::string effName_;
TFile *theDiPhoEfficiencyFile_;
std::map<std::string,TGraphAsymmErrors*> smearing_eff_graph_;


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