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Verify insertManyIfNewUnit
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jt0202 committed Dec 1, 2024
1 parent 446e801 commit 49e4a9d
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Showing 4 changed files with 484 additions and 4 deletions.
339 changes: 338 additions & 1 deletion src/Std/Data/DHashMap/Internal/List/Associative.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1264,6 +1264,15 @@ theorem insertEntryIfNew_of_containsKey_eq_false [BEq α] {l : List ((a : α) ×
{v : β k} (h : containsKey k l = false) : insertEntryIfNew k v l = ⟨k, v⟩ :: l := by
simp_all [insertEntryIfNew]

theorem DistinctKeys.insertEntryIfNew [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α] {k : α} {v : β k} {l : List ((a : α) × β a)} (h: DistinctKeys l):
DistinctKeys (insertEntryIfNew k v l) := by
simp only [Std.DHashMap.Internal.List.insertEntryIfNew, cond_eq_if]
· exact h
· rw [distinctKeys_cons_iff]
rename_i h'
simp [h, h']

theorem isEmpty_insertEntryIfNew [BEq α] {l : List ((a : α) × β a)} {k : α} {v : β k} :
(insertEntryIfNew k v l).isEmpty = false := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2714,5 +2723,333 @@ theorem getValue_insertListConst_mem [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α]
. exact k_beq
. exact distinct

/-- Internal implementation detail of the hash map -/
def insertListIfNewUnit [BEq α] (l: List ((_ : α) × Unit))(toInsert: List α) : List ((_ : α) × Unit) :=
match toInsert with
| .nil => l
| .cons hd tl => insertListIfNewUnit (insertEntryIfNew hd () l) tl

theorem insertListIfNewUnit_perm_of_perm_first [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] {l1 l2 : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α } (h : Perm l1 l2)
(distinct : DistinctKeys l1) : Perm (insertListIfNewUnit l1 toInsert) (insertListIfNewUnit l2 toInsert) := by
induction toInsert generalizing l1 l2 with
| nil => simp [insertListIfNewUnit, h]
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp only [insertListIfNewUnit]
apply ih
· simp only [insertEntryIfNew, cond_eq_if]
have contains_eq : containsKey hd l1 = containsKey hd l2 := containsKey_of_perm h
rw [contains_eq]
by_cases contains_hd: containsKey hd l2 = true
· simp only [contains_hd, ↓reduceIte]
exact h
· simp only [contains_hd, Bool.false_eq_true, ↓reduceIte, List.perm_cons]
exact h
· apply DistinctKeys.insertEntryIfNew distinct

theorem DistinctKeys.insertListIfNewUnit [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α] (l : List ((_ : α) × Unit))(toInsert : List α) (distinct: DistinctKeys l):
DistinctKeys (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) := by
induction toInsert generalizing l with
| nil => simp [List.insertListIfNewUnit, distinct]
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp only [List.insertListIfNewUnit]
apply ih
apply insertEntryIfNew
exact distinct

theorem containsKey_insertListIfNewUnit [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α] {l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k : α} :
containsKey k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = (containsKey k l || toInsert.contains k) := by
induction toInsert generalizing l with
| nil => simp [insertListIfNewUnit]
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp only [insertListIfNewUnit, List.contains_cons]
rw [ih, containsKey_insertEntryIfNew]
rw [Bool.or_comm (hd == k), Bool.or_assoc, BEq.comm (a:=hd)]

theorem containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListIfNewUnit [BEq α] [PartialEquivBEq α] {l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k : α}
(h₂ : toInsert.contains k = false) : containsKey k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) → containsKey k l := by
intro h₁
rw [containsKey_insertListIfNewUnit] at h₁
simp only [Bool.or_eq_true] at h₁
cases h₁ with
| inl h => exact h
| inr h =>
simp only [h, Bool.true_eq_false] at h₂

theorem getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k : α}
{not_mem : toInsert.contains k = false} :
getKey? k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = getKey? k l := by
induction toInsert generalizing l with
| nil => simp [insertListIfNewUnit]
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp only [insertListIfNewUnit]
rw [ih]
· rw [getKey?_insertEntryIfNew]
· rename_i hd_k
simp at not_mem
rcases hd_k with ⟨h,_⟩
rcases not_mem with ⟨h',_⟩
rw [BEq.symm h] at h'
simp at h'
· rfl
· simp only [List.contains_cons, Bool.or_eq_false_iff] at not_mem
apply And.right not_mem

theorem getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k k' : α} {k_beq : k == k'}
{distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false)}
{mem : k ∈ toInsert} {mem' : containsKey k l = false}:
getKey? k' (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = some k := by
induction toInsert generalizing l with
| nil => simp at mem
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp only [insertListIfNewUnit]
simp only [List.mem_cons] at mem
cases mem with
| inl mem =>
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem, ← mem]
· simp only [insertEntryIfNew, mem', cond_eq_if, Bool.false_eq_true, ↓reduceIte,
getKey?_cons, ite_eq_left_iff, Bool.not_eq_true]
intro h
rw [h] at k_beq
simp only [Bool.false_eq_true] at k_beq
· simp only [pairwise_cons] at distinct
simp only [List.contains_eq_any_beq, List.any_eq_false, Bool.not_eq_true]
intro a h
apply BEq.neq_of_beq_of_neq
apply BEq.symm k_beq
rw [mem]
apply (And.left distinct) a h
| inr mem =>
apply ih
· simp only [pairwise_cons] at distinct
apply And.right distinct
· exact mem
· rw [containsKey_insertEntryIfNew]
simp only [Bool.or_eq_false_iff]
· simp only [pairwise_cons] at distinct
apply (And.left distinct) k mem
· exact mem'

theorem getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_mem_both [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k : α}
{distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false)}
{mem : toInsert.contains k} {mem' : containsKey k l = true}:
getKey? k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = getKey? k l := by
induction toInsert generalizing l with
| nil => simp at mem
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp at mem
cases mem with
| inl mem =>
simp only [insertListIfNewUnit]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem, getKey?_insertEntryIfNew]
· simp only [BEq.symm mem, true_and, ite_eq_right_iff]
have h':= containsKey_of_beq mem' mem
intro h
rw [h] at h'
simp only [Bool.false_eq_true] at h'
· simp only [pairwise_cons] at distinct
simp only [List.contains_eq_any_beq, List.any_eq_false, Bool.not_eq_true]
intro x x_mem
apply BEq.neq_of_beq_of_neq mem
apply And.left distinct x x_mem
| inr mem =>
simp only [insertListIfNewUnit]
simp only [pairwise_cons] at distinct
rw [ih (distinct := And.right distinct) (mem := mem)]
· rw [getKey?_insertEntryIfNew]
· rename_i h
have h':= containsKey_of_beq mem' (BEq.symm (And.left h))
rw [And.right h] at h'
simp only [Bool.false_eq_true] at h'
· rfl
· rw [containsKey_insertEntryIfNew]
simp only [Bool.or_eq_true]
apply mem'

theorem getKey_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k : α}
{not_mem : toInsert.contains k = false}
{h} :
getKey k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) h =
getKey k l (containsKey_of_containsKey_insertListIfNewUnit not_mem h) := by
rw [← Option.some_inj]
rw [← getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem]
. rw [getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
. exact not_mem

theorem getKey_insertListIfNewUnit_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k k' : α} {k_beq : k == k'}
{distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false)}
{mem : k ∈ toInsert}
{h} : containsKey k l = false
getKey k' (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) h = k := by
intro mem'
rw [← Option.some_inj]
rw [← getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_mem]
. exact k_beq
. exact distinct
. exact mem
. exact mem'

theorem getKey_insertListIfNewUnit_mem_both [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k : α}
{distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false)}
{mem : toInsert.contains k} {mem' : containsKey k l = true} {h}:
getKey k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) h = getKey k l mem' := by
rw [← Option.some_inj]
rw [← getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
rw [← getKey?_eq_some_getKey]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_mem_both]
· exact distinct
· exact mem
· exact mem'

theorem getKey!_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k : α}
{not_mem : toInsert.contains k = false} :
getKey! k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = getKey! k l := by
rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem]
. rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
. exact not_mem

theorem getKey!_insertListIfNewUnit_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k k' : α} {k_beq : k == k'}
{distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false)}
{mem : k ∈ toInsert} {mem': containsKey k l = false} :
getKey! k' (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = k := by
rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_mem]
. rw [Option.get!_some]
. exact k_beq
. exact distinct
. exact mem
. exact mem'

theorem getKey!_insertListIfNewUnit_mem_both [BEq α] [EquivBEq α] [Inhabited α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k : α}
{distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false)}
{mem : toInsert.contains k} {mem' : containsKey k l = true} :
getKey! k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) = getKey! k l := by
rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_mem_both]
. rw [getKey!_eq_getKey?]
· exact distinct
· exact mem
· exact mem'

theorem getKeyD_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} {k fallback : α}
{not_mem : toInsert.contains k = false} :
getKeyD k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) fallback = getKeyD k l fallback := by
rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_not_mem]
. rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
. exact not_mem

theorem getKeyD_insertListIfNewUnit_mem [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k k' fallback : α} {k_beq : k == k'}
{distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false)}
{mem : k ∈ toInsert } {mem': containsKey k l = false} :
getKeyD k' (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) fallback = k := by
rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_mem]
. rw [Option.getD_some]
. exact k_beq
. exact distinct
. exact mem
. exact mem'

theorem getKeyD_insertListIfNewUnit_mem_both [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{k fallback : α}
{distinct : toInsert.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false)}
{mem : toInsert.contains k} {mem' : containsKey k l = true} :
getKeyD k (insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert) fallback = getKeyD k l fallback := by
rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
rw [getKey?_insertListIfNewUnit_mem_both]
. rw [getKeyD_eq_getKey?]
· exact distinct
· exact mem
· exact mem'

theorem insertListIfNewUnit_length [BEq α] [EquivBEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{distinct_l : DistinctKeys l}
(distinct_toInsert : List.Pairwise (fun a b => (a == b) = false) toInsert)
(distinct_both : ∀ (a : α), ¬ (containsKey a l ∧ toInsert.contains a)) :
(insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert).length = l.length + toInsert.length := by
induction toInsert generalizing l with
| nil => simp [insertListIfNewUnit]
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp only [insertListIfNewUnit, List.length_cons]
rw [ih]
· rw [length_insertEntryIfNew]
specialize distinct_both hd
simp only [List.contains_cons, BEq.refl, Bool.true_or, and_true,
Bool.not_eq_true] at distinct_both
simp only [distinct_both, Bool.false_eq_true, ↓reduceIte]
rw [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm 1 _]
· simp only [pairwise_cons] at distinct_toInsert
apply And.right distinct_toInsert
· intro a
simp only [not_and, Bool.not_eq_true]
simp only [List.contains_cons, Bool.or_eq_true, not_and, not_or,
Bool.not_eq_true] at distinct_both
rw [containsKey_insertEntryIfNew]
simp only [Bool.or_eq_true]
intro h
cases h with
| inl h =>
simp only [pairwise_cons] at distinct_toInsert
rw [List.contains_eq_any_beq]
simp only [List.any_eq_false, Bool.not_eq_true]
intro x x_mem
rcases distinct_toInsert with ⟨left,_⟩
specialize left x x_mem
apply BEq.neq_of_beq_of_neq
apply BEq.symm h
exact left
| inr h =>
specialize distinct_both a h
apply And.right distinct_both
· apply DistinctKeys.insertEntryIfNew distinct_l

theorem insertListIfNewUnit_not_isEmpty_if_start_not_isEmpty [BEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α}
{h : l.isEmpty = false} :
(List.insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert).isEmpty = false := by
induction toInsert generalizing l with
| nil => simp [insertListIfNewUnit, h]
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp [insertListIfNewUnit, ih]

theorem insertListIfNewUnit_isEmpty [BEq α]
{l : List ((_ : α) × Unit)} {toInsert : List α} :
(List.insertListIfNewUnit l toInsert).isEmpty ↔ l.isEmpty ∧ toInsert.isEmpty := by
induction toInsert with
| nil => simp [insertListIfNewUnit]
| cons hd tl ih =>
simp only [insertListIfNewUnit, List.isEmpty_cons, Bool.false_eq_true, and_false,
apply ne_true_of_eq_false
apply insertListIfNewUnit_not_isEmpty_if_start_not_isEmpty
end List
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Std/Data/DHashMap/Internal/Model.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ theorem Const.insertMany_eq_insertListₘ [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : Raw₀ α
simp only [List.foldl_cons,insertListₘ]
apply ih

theorem Const.insertManyIfNewUnit_insertListIfNewUnit [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : Raw₀ α (fun _ => Unit)) (l: List α):
theorem Const.insertManyIfNewUnit_eq_insertListIfNewUnit [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : Raw₀ α (fun _ => Unit)) (l: List α):
(Const.insertManyIfNewUnit m l).1 = Const.insertListIfNewUnitₘ m l := by
simp only [insertManyIfNewUnit,, Id.pure_eq, Id.bind_eq, List.forIn_yield_eq_foldl]
suffices ∀ (t : { m' // ∀ (P : Raw₀ α (fun _ => Unit) → Prop),
Expand Down

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